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AIT transport infrastructure research: a conversation with Anna Huditz


A basic requirement for a future-oriented mobility system is the provision of a reliable and future-oriented transport infrastructure. Not only roads, railways or cycle paths, but also bridges, tunnels, buildings and even retaining structures and noise barriers play a central role here.
‘In the past, a few as-built plans were all that was needed to underpin subsequent work. Today, however, the advance of digitalisation in construction and operation means that there is almost too much infrastructure data available. The goal must therefore be data quality over data quantity,‘ says Anna Huditz, Head of Competence Unit Transportation Infrastructure Technologies at the AIT Center for Mobility Systems, about her team's research work.

Read the article on the Austrian Roadmap 2050 platform here: https://www.roadmap2050.at/mit-zuverlaessiger-transportinfrastruktur-in-die-zukunft/