International Symposium
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Industrial Workshop in Vienna
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18th ITI Symposium in Dresden
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Forming Technologies
- /en/research-topics/forming-technologies
Forming Technologies Forming Technologies Innovative solutions for resource- and energy-efficient processing of light metals The production and processing of metals play a decisive role in modern lightweight
- /en/news-events/events
Solutions Integrated Energy Systems Lightweight Metal Solutions Dynamic Transportation Systems Transportation Infrastructure Technologies Technology Experience Environmental Solutions Energy Infrastructure Electric [...] Processing System Solutions Dependable Systems Engineering Surveillance & Protection Energy Supply Systems Industrial Energy Systems Cities & the Built Environment Cooperative Digital Technologies New Sensor
- /en/sitemap
Library Electric Energy Storages Library Smart Cooling Library Energy Markets & Energy infrastructure NEFI - New Energy for Industry Energy markets - flexibility for markets and grids Energy Markets Hybrid [...] Devices Network Operators & Energy Service Providers District heating and cooling Energy system modelling Power Conversion Technologies Energy Communities Data analytics for energy system applications EASE [...] Publications Hybrid Power Plants Projects APOLLO cells4.energy PH2ÖNIX Plan4.Energy REFORMERS Sekohs Theiss FELDBATT BatterieSTABIL ABS4TSO Energy Conversion and Hydrogen Projekte KAT-PAWS Study on hydrogen
About the AIT
- /en/about-the-ait
Shareholders The Republic of Austria (through the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology ) has a share of 50.46%, while the Federation of Austrian Industries [...] basic innovations for the next generation of infrastructure related technologies in the fields of Energy, Transport Technologies, Health & Bioresources, Digital Safety & Security, Vision, Automation & Control
Management and Structure
- /en/about-the-ait/management-and-structure
Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology BMK) Harald Loos (Siemens AG Österreich) Wolfgang Pell (Verbund AG) Beate El-Chichakli (Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility [...] Anton Schantl (Magna Energy Storage Systems GesmbH) Henriette Spyra (Head of Directorate general III, Innovation and Technology, Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation
Press Releases
- /en/press/press-releases-german
as Head of Integrated Energy Systems at the AIT Center for Energy (pdf) 14.01.2020 Picture: Tara Esterl Takes Over as Head of Integrated Energy Systems at the AIT Center for Energy (jpg) Photo Credits: [...] Androsch PHOTO (jpg) photo credit: AIT/Zinner 29.11.2024 Innovative energy concept for the greenest brick factory (pdf) 29.11.2024 Innovative energy concept for the greenest brick factory (photo 01) (jpg) Photo [...] Initiative for European Energy Data Space (pdf) 13.01.2023 VR Training for Resilience Enhancement according to Viktor Frankl (pdf) Press Releases 2022 Datum Thema 13.12.2022 High energy savings through process
News & Events
- /en/news-events
Solutions Integrated Energy Systems Lightweight Metal Solutions Dynamic Transportation Systems Transportation Infrastructure Technologies Technology Experience Environmental Solutions Energy Infrastructure Electric [...] Processing System Solutions Dependable Systems Engineering Surveillance & Protection Energy Supply Systems Industrial Energy Systems Cities & the Built Environment Cooperative Digital Technologies New Sensor
SG2 - Smart Grid Security Guidance
- /en/research-topics/smart-grid-security/projects/sg2-smart-grid-security-guidance
Department Partner: AIT Energy Department Technische Universität Wien SECConsult Unternehmensberatung GmbH Siemens AG - Corporate Technology Österreich LINZ STROM GmbH, Energie AG Oberösterreich Data GmbH [...] increase the security of computer systems deployed in the future critical infrastructure of "smart energy". With the increasing use of novel smart grid technologies, a comprehensive ICT network is established [...] and access points will be exposed to similar hazards as the current Internet. However, the reliable energy supply of this system depends on the effective operation of ICT, and similar security problems such
- /en/imprint
Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology BMK) Harald Loos (Siemens AG Österreich) Wolfgang Pell (Verbund AG) Beate El-Chichakli (Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility [...] Directorate general III, Innovation and Technology, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology BMK)) MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD APPOINTED BY WORKS’ COUNCIL [...] Matyus Hubert Umschaden Shareholders: Republic of Austria (Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology - BMK): 50.46%; Federation of Austrian Industries : 49.54%
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2012
Forschung (pdf) 25.04.2012 Töchter erforschen beim AIT die Themen Energie und Mobilität (pdf) 25.04.2012 Töchter erforschen beim AIT die Themen Energie und Mobilität FOTO (jpg) 19.04.2012 Christine Tissot übernimmt
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2011
(pdf) 01.12.2011 AIT übernimmt die Leitung des Forschungsprogrammes „Smart Cities“ der European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) (pdf) 29.11.2011 EU LAKES Science Day zum Thema Klimawandel und Seenschutz [...] EU-Projekt "SmartBatt" (pdf) 28.04.2011 10. Wiener Töchtertag: Jungforscherinnen entdecken beim AIT Energie und Mobilität der Zukunft (pdf) 19.04.2011 Österreichischer Technologie-Export zur Sicherstellung
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2010
Workshop "Mobility for sustainable cities" (pdf) 12.10.2010 Austria Tec Week China - AIT Workshop "Energy for sustainable cities" (pdf) 11.10.2010 BMVIT, AIT und WKO veranstalten Austria Tec Week China in [...] 2010 Forschung Austria: AIT führen "Papawochen" ein (pdf) 27.01.2010 AIT neues Mitglied der European Energy Research Alliance (pdf) 15.01.2010 AIT und Paracelsus Universität werden Partner (pdf) Kontakt ×
- /en/sophia
à l’Energie Atomique – Institut National des Energies Solaires Project partners AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V Energy Research [...] for renewable Energy Systems Technology ENEA Portici Research Centre Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT) European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) European Renewable Energy Centres Agency
- /en/san-cell
and Solid State Physics NTC Weiz Funding line: The project was funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht
- /en/pv-spec
of solar spectrum and climate on performance of photovoltaic installations Austrian regional solar energy potential PV-SPEC examines the regional performance of different photovoltaic (PV) technologies in [...] draw interactive maps. These enable potential users of PV-facilities to foresee potential additional energy yields originating from technology choice. Project Coordinator: Universität für Bodenkultur, Institut [...] “Thin Film Conf” – München, p 56-62 (2011) HOW LARGE IS THE IMPACT OF SPECTRAL VARIABILITY ON THE ENERGY YIELD OF A-SI, C-SI AND CDTE MODULES ? J. Wagner, S. Hasel, P. Weihs, M. Rennhofer, R. Leidl, K.Berger
- /en/printpv
Print.pv Print.pv AIT Energy entwickelt neuartige Technologie zur Herstellung von Photovoltaikfolien. Wie der Name print.pv schon sagt, geht es in dem Projekt darum, Dünnschicht-Elemente zu drucken. „Das [...] „Das funktioniert wie bei einem Rollenrotationsdruckverfahren, was Material und Energie spart“, so der Geschäftsfeldleiter von Photovoltaic Systems Christoph Mayr. Die Expertinnen und Experten des AIT forschen [...] forschen an den transparenten elektrisch leitenden Oxidschichten, die den Abtransport der Energie bis zu den Anschlussklemmen der Folie erlauben. Eine wichtige Grundlage für das Forschungsprojekt print
- /en/synercis
und Selen – als große Hoffnungsträger für die Zukunft. Unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung des AIT Energy Departments arbeiten im Projekt SynerCIS österreichische Firmen unter der Konsortialleitung von
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