AIT Center for Energy: Whitepaper on industrial heat pumps
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18th ITI Symposium in Dresden
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Industrial Workshop in Vienna
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International Symposium
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Innovation Strategies
- /en/solutions/innovation-strategies
cooperation with other AIT Centers, we bring in technological expertise in the fields of digitization, energy supply, urban development, mobility and health. We possess and have access to a wide range of data [...] private and public clients and have therefore carried out projects, e.g. on the future of mobility, energy technologies, the use of materials and production technologies. The foresight methods and processes
Learning & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems
- /en/solutions/learning-adaptive-mechatronic-systems
research focus in this area lies with the optimal control of electric drive systems. This incorporates: Energy optimisation with motor-specific online-adapted MTPA strategies. Lifetime and maintenance optimisation
Cyber Security
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security
2024 [more] Events Event Horizon 2017 [more] International Multistakeholder Conference: CYBERSPACE, ENERGY & DEVELOPMENT [more] International Business High Level Panel: DIGITAL SECURITY [more]
Our Solutions
- /en/solutions/future-digital-experience/unsere-loesungen
Digital Shopping & Shopping of the Future B2B Digitalization & Platforms Green User Experience & Energy Sector Finances & Insurances E-Government & Digital Citizens Entertainment, Education & Gaming and
Contextual Experience
- /en/solutions/contextual-experience
advisors and scientists have the ability to understand the characteristics of different contexts (e.g. energy, mobility, smart cities, people on the move, etc.) and the competences to adapt experience research
Research Topics
- /en/research-topics
research and technology. Filter topics Center Filter Filter by center... Digital Safety & Security Energy Health & Bioresources Innovation Systems & Policy Technology Experience Transport Technologies Vision [...] Industrial Processes & Systems Efficient Buildings and HVAC Technologies Enabling Digital Technologies Energy Conversion and Hydrogen SYSTEM DESIGN, MODELLING & IDENTIFICATION Experience Business Transformation [...] & Transformation Innovation Systems & Digitalisation Integrated Digital Urban Planning Integrated Energy Systems Integrated Mobility Systems AI & MACHINE LEARNING Alloy development Molecular Diagnostics
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-thermal-energy-systems/projects/orpheus
Interactions among different energy grids should be improved since this will lead to CO 2 reduction, energy savings, demand balancing and a better integration of renewable energy systems in the cities. The [...] multiple energy grids which are connected through coupling points and defined as hybrid energy grids. The project evaluated how ICT devices along with control algorithms can build strategies for energy optimization [...] OrPHEuS OrPHEuS Optimizing Hybrid Energy Grids for Smart Cities Multiple energy grids (electricity, heating/cooling, and gas) still mainly operate independently. Although interactions are increasingly
Enabling Digital Technologies
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies
used to guarantee security, hence nobody can listen to the communication without being detected. For energy efficient high data rate communication links coherent optical communication devices and technologies [...] links in industrial production halls or increasing reliability and reducing operational costs of energy efficient systems. Team Reference Projects Publications & Patents Solutions & Services Research Services
Open radio access networks (O-RAN)
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/projects-1/open-radio-access-networks-o-ran
speed, lower consumer prices through greater competition and better quality, some trade-offs such as energy efficiency or cyber security are still questionable, especially from the viewpoint of European t
Wireless Channel Emulation
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/wireless-channel-emulation-2
in about a decade and will provide ultra-high reliability with lowest possible latency and radical energy efficiency by further improving 5G features. 6G will truly converge the physical and digital world [...] a correct delivery of 99,999 % of data packets. 5G will also addressing the challenge of massive energy consumption by deploying IoT applications with low transmission requirements of only a few bits over
5G wireless Ultra-Reliable low-latency communications
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/projects-1/5g-wireless-ultra-reliable-low-latency-communications
scenarios. And lastly, with its innovative 5G URLLC developments, AIT is also seeking to fix the energy efficiency problem in future-proofed 5G/6G mobile infrastructures. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder
Study “5G Supply Market Trends”
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/study-5g-supply-market-trends
the 5G supply chain to support best-of-the-art cybersecurity and environmental standards defining energy efficient targets for 5G technologies and networks complemented by financial incentives for achieving
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/scala
für Inneres (BMI) Bundesministerium für Justiz (BMJ) Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK) × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert
Digitalisation and automation of production systems
- /en/research-topics/complex-dynamical-systems-old/digitalisation-and-automation-of-production-systems
are more stringent demands on product quality, as well as calls for greater energy and resource efficiency. Moreover, energy and raw material prices are subject to strong fluctuations. We want to help
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/phideliti
high energy efficiency over longer reach, and low cost over very short reach, while addressing its mission to place the high-speed data interface closer to the processor – without facing an energy and [...] only reduce the costly chip real-estate required to realize all functions, but will also lead to an energy efficiency that outpaces that of copper-based solutions by a factor of 12. At the same time, the
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/jollybee
flatten out as the node size of microelectronics decreases and a digital energy brick wall is faced, at the extent of a required energy of 100 pJ per multiply-accumulate operation. This caps the overall scale [...] masterpiece of biology that breaches this energy wall with an astonishing amount of nearly 100 quadrillion (10^17) operations per Watt, or a sub-Attojoule energy per operation. With this, the brain is eight [...] the flourishing of the Internet-of-Things. With this rapid growth, the share of ICT in the global energy footprint is expected to skyrocket to 21% in 2030. An important aspect in the realm of ICT is data
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