Searched for "Plimon".
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Displaying results 1 to 3 of 3.
Specialist Literature
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Krenn, H. Shulman, S. Vaudenay Springer 2020 Buch Technologie im Gespräch H. Androsch , W. Knoll , A. Plimon Holzhausen 2019 Buch Digitale Bürgerbeteiligung: Forschung und Praxis – Chancen und Herausforderungen
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boundaries here to protect us. Those who have the wrong answers or are too late will lose," appeals Anton Plimon, Managing Director of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. Answers to the big questions of the
A new look at the increasingly complex world
- /en/blog/a-new-look-at-the-increasingly-complex-world
Yearbook 2020 Test-Technology in Conversation - Complexity by Hannes Androsch, Wolfang Knoll, Anton Plimon (eds.) Tipping points and nonlinear behavior Because of the intimate linkage of many variables that
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