Laboratories overview
- /en/laboratories
Structural Dynamics and Assessment Biosignal Processing Cardiovascular Diagnostics Casting Technologies Complex Dynamical Systems Complex Energy Systems Dependable Systems Engineering Dynamic Crowd Solutions [...] Systems Cooperative Digital Technologies Cyber Security Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Dynamic Transportation Systems Electric Vehicle Technologies Enabling Digital Technologies Health Solutions [...] Research Networks Medical Sensing Solutions Mobility Data Collection and Analysis Modelling Innovation Dynamics Molecular Diagnostics Molecular Imaging New Sensor Technologies Photovoltaics Policies for Innovation
Our Offer
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/photonics/our-offer
Our Offer Our Offer Dynamic vehicular channel emulation read more Single Photon Detector read more Time to Digital Converter read more QPMoptics read more
Mobility data analytics for dynamic and interactive trans
- /en/research-topics/mobility-data-collection-and-analysis/mobility-data-analytics-for-dynamic-and-interactive-transport-management
Mobility data analytics for dynamic and interactive trans Mobility data analytics for dynamic and interactive trans Transport networks are the heart of economies and societies. An increasing number of [...] individual dynamic parking pricing parking and road user charging schemes based on robust pattern analysis of people’s smartphone sensor data All techniques for mobility data analytics for dynamic and interactive [...] measures and interventions. The objective of AIT’s research activities in mobility data analytics for dynamic and interactive transport management is to capture and analyse mobility data from different sensor
Structural assessment and monitoring
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/structural-assessment-and-monitoring
condition assessments of existing buildings are among AIT's core topics in the field of structural dynamics. Essential structures and bridges can be surveyed by means of continuous monitoring to support building [...] buildings, Patent AT 506144 B1 Method for determining critical operating conditions) Acquisition of the dynamic axle loads and evaluation of the load history Probabilistic analysis algorithms and evaluation of [...] natural hazards (rock impact, earthquake, etc.) In-situ measurement and calculation of static and dynamic component stress (noise barriers, roadway transitions, concrete roadway slabs, etc.) × Kontakt Formular
Real-time wireless channel emulation
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/our-offer/real-time-wireless-channel-emulation
AIT's dynamic channel emulator can be coupled with vehicle kinematics simulations such as IPG CarMarker to update the coordinates and speed of the vehicles in question in real time. AIT's dynamic real-time [...] Sidelink), 5G Vehicular as well as future 6G standards. Further Information FSCT Website Factsheet Dynamic Vehicular Channel Emulation Download × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert.
Motorcycle Probe Vehicle
- /en/solutions/traffic-safety/safe/motorcycle-probe-vehicle
vehicle dynamics of PTWs (Powered Two-Wheelers) Measurements of specific riding manoeuvres Research on the interaction of PTW and road surface Comparison of cars-/trucks-/PTW-vehicle dynamics on the same [...] and dGPS. MoProVe is available for road safety testing of motorbike routes. It enables a driving dynamics analysis based on the respective driving behaviour and interaction with the road infrastructure
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/viamotorrad
ViaMotorrad Evaluation of potential hazards for motorcyclists based on vehicle dynamics data Based on analyses of accident data and problem areas reported by motorcyclists, the project viaMotorrad focuses [...] (objective data) and the reported problem areas (subjective perception) with data from driving dynamics, driving behaviour and video analysis (measured with MoProVe) enables a classification of the routes [...] sensors, accelerometers, CAN-Bus reader and dGPS. The research motorcycle is used to analyse riding dynamics based on riding behaviour and interaction with the road infrastructure. The MoProVe is available
Vehicle integration
- /en/solutions/e-mobility/vehicle-integration
& Simulation Virtual Green Vehicle Design Multi-Physics Simulation Services Computational Fluid Dynamics Services Lightweight design Structural design of mechanical components Design and manufacturing
Dynamics of noise barriers
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/dynamics-of-noise-barriers
Dynamics of noise barriers Experience has shown that along high-speed train lines, noise barrier problems in the form of high deformations, fatigue damage and loose noise barrier elements have become more [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at
Design of bionic structures
- /en/research-topics/numerical-simulation/design-of-bionic-structures
bionic structures Design of bionic structures Design of structures or components under static and dynamic loads using conventional and bionic approaches The LKR is dealing with the structural design of [...] the simulation of entire assemblies. With the FEM software packages ANSYS and LS-DYNA static and dynamic problems can simulated. Beyond the simple simulation and validation of structures, the LKR is happy
- /en/research-topics/ai-machine-learning
which we then implement. Reinforcement Learning & Approximate Dynamic Programming In theory, multistage decision problems can be solved by dynamic programming (DP), a method for determining optimal control [...] y intractable. We address and overcome this hurdle using reinforcement learning and approximate dynamic programming . Both produce suboptimal policies/control inputs with, however, sufficiently adequate [...] Selecting and training the right model for the right task allows us to solve problems such as static or dynamic regression, predictive maintenance, and outlier or anomaly detection. Model Selection & Assessment
- /en/research-topics/innovation-dynamics-modelling/projects
Higher Education Research Europäisches Register für tertiäre Bildung KNOWMAK KNOWSIM ACIB Science Dynamics Multireg PREF Impact of R&D Networks
Mechanical Load
- /en/labs/environmental-testing-lab/mechanical-load
Construction parts, superstructures, vehicle parts Our Services Static tensile and pressure load Dynamic tensile and pressure load Test pressure up to 10,000 Pa (N / m²) Up to 3 cycles / min Bis zu 3 Zyklen/min [...] 61215-2: Static mechanical load test MST34 IEC 61730-2: Mechanical load test IEC TS 62782: Cyclic (dynamic) mechanical load testing
- /en/research-topics/system-design-modelling-identification
Group Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] relations and interactions, boundaries and interfaces, dominant nonlinearities, as well as their dynamic behaviour and its relevant time scales. Furthermore, we assess deterministic or stochastic behaviour [...] highly innovative automation systems are mathematical models of the underlying system. Complex dynamical systems are characterised by challenging properties like nonlinearities, multiple-inputs-multip
Integrated Modeling of Mobility Modes
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/integrated-modeling-of-mobility-modes
more dynamic planning approach in which plans and their realization are continuously adjusted based upon new transportation offers, improvements to the current transportation system, and dynamic network [...] data", To appear in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED2018), Lund, Sweden, August 21-24, 2018. ( link ) T. Matyus, C. Kogler, H. Schrom-Feiertag, [...] data", To appear in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED2018), Lund, Sweden, August 21-24, 2018. ( link ) G. Lenz and S. Seer, "Urban Transport Tbilisi
- /en/solutions/reliable-transport-infrastructure/vibes
of noise barriers under dynamic load Vibration simulations using MoSeS before and during construction stages Immission forecasts of industrial vibration sources/forecasting dynamic interaction and resonance [...] Structural Dynamics and Assessment × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life
Research Topics
- /en/research-topics
Systems Cooperative Digital Technologies Cyber Security Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Dynamic Transportation Systems Electric Vehicle Technologies Enabling Digital Technologies Health Solutions [...] Protection in Mobility & Transport Battery Materials & Characterization Battery Technologies Structural Dynamics and Assessment Bioresources Biosignal Processing Capturing Experience Cardiovascular Diagnostics [...] efficiency power electronics Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technologies Hybrid Power Plants Innovation Dynamics & Modelling Innovation Policy & Transformation Innovation Systems & Digitalisation Integrated Digital
Control, Planning & Decision-Making
- /en/research-topics/control-planning-decision-making
(e.g., PID) still dominate the current industrial standard for the control of real-world complex dynamical systems. Linear controllers disallow systematic consideration of the system-inherent properties [...] Lösung Sustainable & Optimal Manufacturing Systems Research Groups Involved Research Group Complex Dynamical Systems Research Group High-Performance Vision Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit [...] markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 88256087 tobias.glueck(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-power-plants/projects/abs4tso
penetration of renewable, non-synchronous sources, this project investigates the provision of highly dynamic services for frequency and angle stability by means of converter-based generation and storage systems [...] focuses on the following applications: Frequency stabilization via virtual inertia Provision of highly dynamic control power Damping of system oscillations Reduction of deterministic frequency deviations Quick
- /en/research-topics/smart-grids/projects/abs4tso
penetration of renewable, non-synchronous sources, this project investigates the provision of highly dynamic services for frequency and angle stability by means of converter-based generation and storage systems [...] focuses on the following applications: Frequency stabilization via virtual inertia Provision of highly dynamic control power Damping of system oscillations Reduction of deterministic frequency deviations Quick
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