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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Evaluation of potential hazards for motorcyclists based on vehicle dynamics data

Based on analyses of accident data and problem areas reported by motorcyclists, the project viaMotorrad focuses on critical and frequently used routes in Austria. These data are validated by test drives with the Motorcycle Probe Vehicle (measuring motorcycle; MoProVe for short) in order to calculate hazard potentials of the road sections travelled.

The comparison of the actual accident occurrence (objective data) and the reported problem areas (subjective perception) with data from driving dynamics, driving behaviour and video analysis (measured with MoProVe) enables a classification of the routes with regard to their hazard potential. The aim of the viaMotorrad project is to identify possible danger spots in advance by means of risk assessment in order to initiate measures to improve motorcycle safety before accidents occur. The viaMotorrad project and its findings and developments lead to a novel innovation in the field of motorcycle safety analysis methodology.

In cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology, a KTM 1290 Super Adventure was transformed into a high-tech research and measuring bike featuring a camera system, steering angle sensors, accelerometers, CAN-Bus reader and dGPS.

The research motorcycle is used to analyse riding dynamics based on riding behaviour and interaction with the road infrastructure. The MoProVe is available for safety inspections of motorcycle routes. Findings are compared with those obtained from car and truck testing (e.g. <link en solutions road-condition-monitoring>ROADSTAR) and incorporated into road planning recommendations and proactive road safety systems.