- /en/research-topics/forming-technologies/projects/zdm
to improve production processes in terms of performance indicators such as quality (scrap rate), energy consumption, and productivity by integrating information from sensors, simulation, and other production [...] Master thesis, TU Vienna, 2020. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). × Kontakt
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/wildwarn
(Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit) Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) as part
- /en/research-topics/photovoltaics/projects/vba-verkehrsbeeinflussungsanlagen
as a result of emission-free, self-sufficient energy provision. The ultimate goal of the project was to develop a simulation tool that can model an energy self-sufficient supply of different VBA variants [...] VBA The optimization potential of VBAs (Traffic Control Systems) raised in terms of energy self-sufficient and economic use. As a result, a simulation tool was developed that will be used for future planning [...] planning. VBAs are usually connected to the public power grid. This type of energy supply is sometimes associated with enormous costs for the production and operation, and ultimately life-cycle costs (LCC)
- /en/themen/integrated-energy-systems/projects/twinvector
project teams to network, create synergies and work together on the further development of battery energy storage technologies. To strengthen the TBU's research activities, the project partners are contributing [...] provides their expertise in the field of life cycle analysis and the AIT offers its knowledge in energy storage systems. Project start November 2022 Project duration 36 months Project partner Tomas Bata [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Mag. Branislav Iglar Research Engineer / Sustainbale Thermal Energy Systems +43 (0) 50 550-6650 +43 (0) 50 550-6613 branislav.iglar(at)ait.ac.at Project website twinvector
- /en/research-topics/thermophysics
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Daniel Lager, MSc Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550-6394 daniel.lager(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimization-logistics/projects/tepmos
markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI in Ulrike Ritzinger Scientist / Integrated Energy Systems +43 50550-6076 +43 50550-6439 ulrike.ritzinger(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/tempo
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Ralf-Roman Schmidt Senior Research Engineer / Integrated Energy Systems +43 50550-6695 +43 50550-6390 ralf.schmidt(at)ait.ac.at Key facts Projektwebsite Project [...] smart controller for reducing peak loads and return temperatures in district heating networks , Smart Energy, Volume 10, 2023, 100105, ISSN 2666-9552, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segy.2023.100105
the railroad system to address the challenges. Jürgen Zajicek, Research Engineer at the Center for Energy, Markus Hofer, Scientist at the Center for Digital Safety & Security, and Thomas Zemen, Principal
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/syspeq
SYSPEQ Systemic solution for the operation of plus-energy quarters The SYSPEQ project aims to develop comprehensive solutions for the operation of plus-energy districts. A special focus is placed on existing [...] buildings and the establishment of energy communities. Legal and regulatory aspects, financing options for generation plants, operating concepts, options for energy supply contracts (PPAs), technical planning [...] is being implemented in practice in the Fuchsenloch district of social housing and operated as an energy community. PROJECT START November 2021 PROJECT DURATION 36 months Project partners AIT Austrian Institute
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/projects/symbiote
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have invaded our everyday life: from home automation and smart energy management, to smart transportation and environment monitoring. Devices like sensors and wearables
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/assistive-autonomous-systems/projects/swamo-sensing-reconstructing
operating such machines covering aspects of productivity, speed, precision, safety, comfort, and energy efficiency. Other than advanced driver assistance systems, the technology can be utilized for semi-
- /en/research-topics/casting-technologies/projects/sustainair
increasingly coming under criticism. According to a recent international study by the International Energy Agency (IEA), aviation contributes around 2.5 per cent of global CO2 emissions to man-made climate
Wanted: Ways to more sustainability
- /en/blog/wanted-ways-to-more-sustainability
about the right policy mix to turn the energy sector around. The program of the three-day conference is deliberately very broad. The range of topics includes energy transition, mobility transition, transition [...] also financially supported by the City of Vienna, the Vienna Chamber of Labour and the Climate and Energy Fund. From pilot projects to large-scale implementation "There are many pilot projects that deliver [...] question of long-term change in society. The scientific contributions focus on the transition of energy systems and cities. On the latter topic, Vienna itself is a good example with its smart city projects
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/superbe
Potentials of Superblock concepts as a concept for planning energy-efficient urban quarters In view of the need to significantly reduce energy consumption in cities and cut greenhouse gas emissions, new [...] new planning measures must be developed to reduce energy requirements, especially in the mobility and building sectors. The feasibility study SUPERBE investigated the spatial organisation principle of S [...] tly pedestrian-oriented city. The implementation of Superblocks offers several opportunities for energy savings by avoiding traffic, by shifting traffic volume to sustainable forms of mobility, and finally
- /en/sunex
synergies between food, water and energy systems Objective The SUNEX project establishes an integrated modelling framework of advanced tools to model and assess the Food Water Energy systems’ demand and supply [...] their interdependencies through a nexus view that endorses sustainable and efficient solutions for energy, water and food supply for urban regions. The FWE-Nexus concept will serve as central approach to
- /en/research-topics/capturing-experience/projects/success
Markus Garschall This project was funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and commissioned by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- /en/themen/solid-state-batteries/projects/sublime
beutl(at)ait.ac.at Project partners FEV Europe GmbH (Coordinator) Avesta Battery and Energy Engineering CIC energiGUNE Ford Otomotiv Sanayi Anonim Sirketi Centro Ricerche FIAT SCPA MIMITech GmbH Politecnico [...] testing, for novel sulfide electrolyte-based solid-state battery cells with increased charge and energy densities. Embracing cutting-edge high-capacity and high-voltage electrode materials, the proposed
- /en/research-topics/road-condition-monitoring-assessments/projects/subkrit
construction site on the A4 motorway. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) - Transport
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/strawe
About the project (in German) Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) as part
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/sparks
promote awareness of existing and emerging smart grid cyber-security risks to stakeholders, including energy network operators, industry and policy makers. SPARKS will develop procedural and technical coun [...] Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, EMC Information Systems International LTD, EVB Energy Solutions GmbH, Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan, Landis+Gyr AG, United Tchnologies Research Centre Ireland [...] Ireland, SWW Wunsiedel GmbH Projektlaufzeit: 04/2014 – 06/2017 Förderprogramm: Protection of smart energy grids against cyber attacks – Capability Project, SEC-2013.2.2-3 (FP7) × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder
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