- /en/research-topics/forming-technologies/projects/zdm
Ranshofen +43 50550-6923 +43 50550-6902 georg.kunschert(at)ait.ac.at Project partners PROFACTOR Swarovski FACC FH Oberösterreich MESA Electronics AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Center for Digital Safety [...] processes. The consortium leader is PROFACTOR GmbH, other project partners are Swarovski, FACC, FH OÖ, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Center for Digital Safety & Security) and MESA Electronics. The project [...] Scientist / Light Metals Technologies Ranshofen +43 50550-6937 +43 50550-6902 johannes.oesterreicher(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/safety-security/wefact
WEFACT WEFACT WEFACT eases standard compliant safety and security engineering. Based on AIT expertise standards are modeled and used in WEFACT as framework to develop a system while generating all artefacts [...] * Send Christoph Schmittner , MSc Scientist +43 50550 4244 +43 50550 4150 christoph.schmittner(at)ait.ac.at Infomaterial Datasheet WEFACT (German) pdf (166 KB) Datasheet WEFACT pdf (163 KB)
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/wildwarn
Transportation Infrastructure Technologies +43 50550-6236 +43 50550-6439 michael.aleksa(at)ait.ac.at Consortium AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Coordination) Pentamap GmbH WWN Technisches Büro [...] roadkill. In order to reduce these alarming figures, an interdisciplinary team of researchers led by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology has launched the pioneering WildWarn project, which pursues innovative [...] wild boar, as well as information on forest structure are included in the analyses. Michael Aleksa, AIT traffic safety expert and project manager of WildWarn, explains: "Our innovative approach of merging
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-digital-safety-security/fairs-events/vision
Releases AIT_PR_xposureLeMans.pdf pdf (117 KB) AIT_PR_xposureLeMans-EN.pdf pdf (112 KB) AIT_PR_HDRVision.pdf pdf (160 KB) AIT_PR_HDRVision-EN.pdf pdf (163 KB) AIT_PR_Fahrerassistenz.pdf pdf (142 KB) AIT_PR_ [...] AIT_PR_Fahrerassistenz-EN.pdf pdf (145 KB) AIT_PR_SchutzInfrastruktur.pdf pdf (81 KB) AIT_PR_SchutzInfrastruktur-EN.pdf pdf (84 KB) [...] (FH) Michael Mürling Marketing and Communications +43 50550-4126 +43 50550-4150 michael.muerling(at)ait.ac.at High-Performance Vision xposure_Camera.pdf pdf (384 KB) FlexInspect.pdf pdf (343 KB) Computa
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence/projects/virtcrime
* Nachricht * Send DI Melitta Dragaschnig Research Engineer +43 50550 6255 melitta.dragaschnig(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/viona
planning, management, safety and telematics applications. Againstthis background an appropriate system by AIT and EBE Solutions has been developed together, which makes traffic censuses and traffic stream analyses
- /en/solutions/traffic-safety/traffic/viona
planning activities and form the basis for a wide range of telematic and traffic safety applications. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and our partner EBE Solutions have therefore developed a low-cost [...] Engineer / Transportation Infrastructure Technologies +43 50550-6236 +43 50550-6439 michael.aleksa(at)ait.ac.at Download the factsheet Factsheet VIONA pdf (819 KB)
- /en/solutions/reliable-transport-infrastructure/vibes
but also to people. Vibration and shock forecasts are therefore becoming increasingly important. At AIT, we have been investigating the propagation of vibrations underground and in buildings for years. Our [...] Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht [...] Mag. Dr. Philip Leopold Business Development Manager +43 50550-3494 +43 50550-6439 philip.leopold(at)ait.ac.at Download the factsheet
- /en/research-topics/photovoltaics/projects/vba-verkehrsbeeinflussungsanlagen
Peter Steirer , MBA Research Engineer / Photovoltaics +43 50550-6488 +43 50550-6311 peter.steirer(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/solutions-services/security-consulting/uwedat
security relevant areas, and in the private customer segment (e.g. ecological urban routing). For years AIT has been developing high-quality sensor networks which help to obtain statistically meaningful data [...] according to industrial sector and region and evaluate them on request. With many years’ experience, AIT has developed the UWEDAT sensor solution, a robust but flexible high-performance system which is c [...] for other industries , other measurement hardware, and the integration of area data. Consequently, AIT is continually working to “hybridise” UWEDAT measurement methodology for integration of additional
- /en/research-topics/climate-resilient-urban-pathways/projects/useat
Cities +43 664 88904374 Marianne.buegelmayer-blaschek(at)ait.ac.at Key facts Project duration: 11/2023 - 06/2025 Project website Project partners: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH GeoSphere Austria [...] be improved in order to best support climate-sensitive decision-making processes. In the project, AIT supports the climate service mapping, the identification of user/non-users and potential users and
- /en/urbanica
URBANICA URBANICA Urban Infrastructure Development Simulator Objective AIT has developed a tool to simulate urban expansion triggered by increased urbanisation tendencies and to estimate the related i [...] planning decisions, performs urban growth simulation and can estimate related infrastructure costs. AIT developed the tool for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). To enable cities to make their d [...] Senior Expert Advisor / Digital Resilient Cities +43 50550-4582 +43 50550-6613 ernst.gebetsroither(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/unwire
-Doz. DI Dr.techn. Thomas Zemen Principal Scientist +43 50550 4138 +43 50550 4150 thomas.zemen(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/themen/enabling-digital-technologies/projekte/uniqorn
verhelfen. Im UNIQORN Konsortium, das von AIT koordiniert wird, arbeiten 17 Partner aus ganz Europa an einer multidisziplinären Forschungsagenda. Forschungsinstitutionen (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, [...] 2018 Projektdauer: 3 Jahre Förderung: gefördert durch die EU - H2020 (FET Flagship) Koordination: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Partner: 17 Partner aus ganz Europa × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Hannes Hübel Senior Scientist +43 50550 4453 hannes.huebel(at)ait.ac.at Pressemitteilung UNIQORN Projektbericht pdf (44 KB)
- /en/research-topics/acoustics-and-noise-abatement-in-the-transport-sector/projects/tyrosafe
217920. For more information see the project webpage: http://tyrosafe.fehrl.org/ . Project Consortium: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology FEHRL Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories BASt [...] Engineer / Transportation Infrastructure Technologies +43 50550-6256 +43 50550-6439 manfred.haider(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/themen/integrated-energy-systems/projects/twinvector
cycle analysis and the AIT offers its knowledge in energy storage systems. Project start November 2022 Project duration 36 months Project partner Tomas Bata University in Zlín AIT Austrian Institute of [...] Engineer / Sustainbale Thermal Energy Systems +43 (0) 50 550-6650 +43 (0) 50 550-6613 branislav.iglar(at)ait.ac.at Project website twinvector.eu
- /en/about-the-ait/locations-and-subsidiary-enterprises/tulln
Tulln © AIT/krischanz.zeiller. Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 24 3430 Tulln Tel.: +43 50 550 - 0 Fields Center for Health & Bioresources How to reach us How to reach the location in Tulln Bus 410/ 444/ 447 Station
- /en/research-topics/physical-layer-security/projects/triton
Nachricht * Send Dr. Bernhard Schrenk Senior Scientist +43 50550 4131 +43 50550 4150 bernhard.schrenk(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/trimm
Engineer / Transportation Infrastructure Technologies +43 50550-6363 +43 50550-6439 marian.ralbovsky(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/solutions/traffic-safety/traffic
conditions and record all conflicts. In addition, multimodal traffic patterns can be captured using the AIT solutions CELL and MODE . our systems measure a wide variety of different parameters The systems we [...] future, we have to observe and analyse current traffic conditions. To this end, our researchers at AIT leverage cutting-edge technologies. The video and management systems we use collect anonymous data [...] measures and draw up comprehensive and detailed concepts. This forms the basis for the use of the AIT solutions SAFE and IMPACT. MOB: The award-winning Mobility Observation Box is used to evaluate points
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