Jochen Cremer appointed Principal Scientist at the AIT Center for Energy
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AIT and TU Delft launch international doctoral programme on the sustainable transformation of the energy system using artificial intelligence
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ERIGrid 2.0: 1st call for the use of 21 European Smart Grids Labs starts
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Security Advisories
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/pentesting/security-advisories
of any user (AIT-SA-20240514-02) FIWARE Keyrock: Manipulate passwords of any user (AIT-SA-20240514-01) Decidim: Cross Site Scripting (AIT-SA-20240630-01) SexyPolling: SQL Injection (AIT-SA-20220208-01) [...] ForkCMS: PHP Object Injection (AIT-SA-20210215-04) QCubed: Cross Site Scripting (AIT-SA-20210215-03) QCubed: SQL Injection (AIT-SA-20210215-02) QCubed: PHP Object Injection (AIT-SA-20210215-01) Creative Contact [...] zero-day vulnerabilities found by AIT: Decidim: Stored XSS in embedded URLs for Decidim Meetings (AIT-20241113-01) Decidim-Awesome: SQL injection in AdminAccountability (AIT-SA-20241112-01) FIWARE Keyrock:
- /en/about-the-ait/accreditation
for the AIT testing laboratories can be accessed via the link https://akkreditierung-austria.gv.at/overview and the search terms listed below: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - Akustik AIT Austrian [...] Technology GmbH - Batterietest AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - Environmental Simulation AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - High Voltage & High Power AIT Austrian Institute of Technology [...] Technology GmbH - Photovoltaik AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - Schock- und Vibrationsprüfung AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - Smartest & Power Elektronik AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2016
2016 Das AIT Austrian Institute of Technology trauert um Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Haberhauer (pdf) 15.06.2016 AIT Bilanz 2015: AIT in TOP-Liga Europas angekommen (pdf) 15.06.2016 AIT Bilanz 2015: AIT in TOP-Liga [...] Bundesheer und AIT (pdf) 13.05.2016 AIT Pulswellentechnologie fit für den Weltraum (pdf) 13.05.2016 AIT Pulswellentechnologie fit für den Weltraum FOTO1 Copyright: AIT (jpg) 13.05.2016 AIT Pulswellentechnologie [...] Copyright: Johannes Zinner / AIT 04.03.2016 AIT und VRVis präsentierten heimische Sicherheitstechnologien für den Weltmarkt FOTO2 (jpg) Copyright: Johannes Zinner / AIT 04.03.2016 AIT und VRVis präsentierten
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2010
des neuen AIT Standortes "Muthgasse" (pdf) 29.06.2010 AIT Scientific Poster Award 2010 (pdf) 24.06.2010 AIT - Technologieschmiede für die Infrastrukturthemen der Zukunft (pdf) 24.06.2010 AIT Bilanz Pr [...] 2020 (pdf) 31.03.2010 Forschung Austria: AIT führen "Papawochen" ein (pdf) 27.01.2010 AIT neues Mitglied der European Energy Research Alliance (pdf) 15.01.2010 AIT und Paracelsus Universität werden Partner [...] 2010 Starke Technologiepartnerschaft: AIT und der deutsche Spezialist für Videosicherheitslösungen Funkwerk plettac gehen gemeinsame Wege (pdf) 14.12.2010 Neue AIT Technologie erhöht die Sicherheit unserer
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2011
mobil (pdf) 09.11.2011 AIT erhält VISION Award 2011 (pdf) 09.11.2011 AIT erhält VISION Award 2011 Foto1 (jpg) 09.11.2011 AIT erhält VISION Award 2011 Foto2 (jpg) 27.10.2011 AIT entwickelt System zur S [...] Sturzprävention bei älteren Menschen (pdf) 27.10.2011 Press Kit_AIT in Singapur (pdf) 21.10.2011 Press Kit_AIT in Peking (pdf) 10.10.2011 AIT-Karriere: Peter Palensky wird erster Principal Scientist von [...] für Innovation (Folien) (pdf) 27.05.2011 AIT Know-how für China (pdf) 25.05.2011 AIT organisiert Gesundheitskonferenz "eHealth2011" in Wien (pdf) 24.05.2011 AIT holt Professor Sumi Helal für Gastvortrag
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2012
Spitzenforschung: AIT erhält K-Projekte (pdf) 05.11.2012 Mit AIT-Technologie Lichtteilchen zählen (pdf) 05.11.2012 Mit AIT-Technologie Lichtteilchen zählen FOTO (jpg) 23.10.2012 Neues AIT StudentInnenprogramm [...] von AIT und BM.I zum Präseidenten und Vizepräsidenten des Public Safety Communication Forum Europe gewählt (pdf) 27.06.2012 AIT Poster Award 2012: Die GewinnerInnen stehen fest (pdf) 27.06.2012 AIT Poster [...] fest FOTO (jpg) 19.06.2012 AIT investiert Gewinn 2011 in Infrastrukturforschung (pdf) 19.06.2012 AIT investiert Gewinn 2011 in Infrastrukturforschung FOLIEN (pdf) 19.06.2012 AIT investiert Gewinn 2011 in
Press Releases
- /en/press/press-releases-german
researcher Martin Baumgartner wins the AIT Poster Award 2024 (jpg) Photo-Credit: AIT/G. Nesvadba 23.05.2024 AIT at the long night of research 2024 (pdf) 22.05.2024 AIT advises European Commission on future [...] 05.2024 AIT continues to expand excellence in applied research (pdf) 07.05.2024 AIT Press Chart: AIT continues to expand excellence in applied research (pdf) 26.04.2024 Photo: Houska Prize: AIT sciencist [...] (jpg) Photo-Credit: AIT Lang 23.02.2024 AIT Open Lab Day: Inspiring women for research (pdf) 23.02.2024 Photo: AIT Open Lab Day: Inspiring women for research (png) Photo Credit: AIT / Luiza Puiu 19.02.2024
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2013
09.09.2013 Mit AIT-Technologie die Zeit im Billionstel einer Sekunde vermessen (pdf) 09.09.2013 Mit AIT-Technologie die Zeit im Billionstel einer Sekunde vermessen FOTO (jpg) 06.09.2013 AIT-Experte übernimmt [...] lle der Zukunft (pdf) 27.06.2013 AIT liefert neue Impulse in der Krebsforschung (pdf) 17.06.2013 AIT eröffnet neues Batteriemateriallabor (pdf) 07.06.2013 Bilanz: AIT geht mit gutem Ergebnis 2012 in die [...] (pdf) 23.04.2013 Töchtertag AIT: Ich möchte Forscherin werden! (pdf) 23.04.2013 Töchtertag AIT: Ich möchte Forscherin werden! FOTO (jpg) 22.04.2013 Frühlingszeit ist Reisezeit: AIT macht Österreichs Straßen
AIT Issues
- /en/media/ait-issues
AIT Issues Learn more about AIT research results and contributions in the topics Climate Care, Solutions for Industry/Intelligent Production and Let’s think sustainable at a glance in the AIT Issues. The [...] The AIT Issues are supplemented by the section Your Ingenious Partner, where AIT researchers are introduced to the topics, as well as the section Career Opportunities in Top Research, which is dedicated [...] number of EU research projects acquired. In AIT's seven centers, they tackle a wide range of relevant problems and develop concrete solutions. Currently, the AIT Group has a staff of around 1,400 people,
Award for AIT Startup Initiative
- /en/blog/award-for-ait-startup-initiative
über zentrale Zukunftsthemen. Inside AIT Entrepreneurship @ AIT 29.07.2024 „Das AIT ist ein Content-Provider im Start-up-Ökosystem“ Beim 1. Entrepreneurship Day des AIT Austrian Institute trafen zahlreiche [...] Svejkovsky AIT Head of Finance & Controlling (CFO) Startup Policy defines the relationships An AIT Startup Policy was created: This should help to clearly define the relationship between AIT and the startup [...] exchange within the AIT Entrepreneurship Community, Entrepreneurship Q&A Sessions take place once a month. At AIT Entrepreneurship Talks, guests from the startup scene and the AIT partner network are regularly
The Magazine for Partners and Clients
- /en/press/tomorrow-today-magazine
is the key print medium of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in the field of external communication. The magazine primarily features articles on the work of the AIT. The Magazine for Partners and [...] Clients is geared towards informing AIT’s partners in industry and public institutions on the specific technologies, methods and tools that are under development at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology [...] Technology. The periodical also provides latest information on AIT’s major internal strategic developments.
AI Taskforce
- /en/ai-taskforce
and supporting AIT employees in the field of AI Establishment of an AIT AI governance structure Evaluation and establishment of a suitable AI software and hardware infrastructure for the AIT Contact × Kontakt [...] research in Europe. Previous element Next element The tasks Networking of AIT researchers and the development of an AI community at AIT Establishment of an AI training, education and information platform I [...] AI Taskforce The goal The AIT has set itself the goal of becoming one of Europe's leading institutions in the application of modern AI methods. This applies to all areas, from the way research is conducted
- /en/presse/presseaussendungen/2014
(pdf) 23.07.2014 AIT-Karriere: Thomas Pock zum Principal Scientist am AIT bestellt (pdf) 10.06.2014 Bilanz: AIT mit stabilem Gewinn und steigendem Auftragsstand (pdf) 10.06.2014 Bilanz: AIT mit stabilem Gewinn [...] Bluthochdruck-Spezialisten tagen in Wien (pdf) 08.09.2014 AIT und TU Wien entwickeln innovative Methoden zur molekularen Bildgebung (pdf) 18.08.2014 Durch AIT-Technologie erzeugte Lichtteilchen ermöglichen ab [...] Austria - IT in der Gesundheitsversorgung (pdf) 08.05.2014 AIT und Infineon vereinbaren strategische Partnerschaft FOTO (jpg) 08.05.2014 AIT und Infinion vereinbaren strategische Partnerschaft (pdf) 30
Art and science
- /en/blog/art-and-science
über zentrale Zukunftsthemen. Inside AIT Entrepreneurship @ AIT 29.07.2024 „Das AIT ist ein Content-Provider im Start-up-Ökosystem“ Beim 1. Entrepreneurship Day des AIT Austrian Institute trafen zahlreiche [...] dence" at AIT, at work in AIT's high-voltage laboratory. Electrography of chemical-physical processes For Judith Fegerl, " capture " was the second project as artist-in-residence at the AIT. Previously [...] the various centers of the AIT in an artistic way. The results of the previous art projects at the AIT are permanently exhibited in a "Wall of Fame" on the 1st floor of the AIT headquarters at Giefinggasse
Brand Identity
- /en/about-the-ait/brand-identity
partner The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology was set up to work as an Ingenious Partner , providing long-term support to national and international companies in their research efforts. The AIT’s objective [...] Thus the researchers at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology make a key contribution to risk management in industry and the development of new markets. Beyond Borders The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology [...] rooted in Austria, the AIT is also a major player internationally. Emphasising the quality of life in Austria will help attracting skilled labour. Committed to Excellence The AIT Austrian Institute of
- /en/press
+43 50550-4040 +43 50550-4000 presse(at)ait.ac.at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Logo If you need our corporate logo please contact us at presse(at)ait.ac.at . [...] press The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria's largest research and technology organisation and Europe's premier specialist in the key infrastructure issues of the future. The AIT therefore [...] therefore has a major responsibility to the public. The AIT acknowledges its exposed position and is happy to provide the media with first-hand information at any time. Contact × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder
AIT at the Long Night of Research
- /en/blog/ait-at-the-long-night-of-research
über zentrale Zukunftsthemen. Inside AIT Entrepreneurship @ AIT 29.07.2024 „Das AIT ist ein Content-Provider im Start-up-Ökosystem“ Beim 1. Entrepreneurship Day des AIT Austrian Institute trafen zahlreiche [...] Many activities of the AIT As Austria's largest research and technology organization, the AIT is involved in a whole host of activities at the Long Night of Research. For example, AIT researchers are very [...] demonstrate this principle. © AIT At AIT, intensive research is being conducted into alternative materials for batteries ("Beyond Lithium") as well as improved production methods. © AIT Previous element Next element
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