- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/interstores
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Abdulrahman Dahash Scientist / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 664 88964923 abdulrahman.dahash(at)ait.ac.at Key Data Projektwebsite Project Duration : 01/24-12/27
Light metals for more climate protection
- /en/blog/light-metals-for-more-climate-protection
built up into a complex 3D component using material-specific process control, a multi-axis robotic system and state-of-the-art torch technologies," explains Martin Schnall, process engineer in the Additive [...] Days, for example, experts from the LKR will be presenting a new aluminum alloy - an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu system - which can even be used to manufacture structural components of an aircraft fuselage with the aid
Art and science
- /en/blog/art-and-science
AIT, used spirography to address the constant changes in society and technology. Complex dynamic systems After the finale of the project " capture " with a (virtual) talk between Judith Fegerl, AIT managing [...] The Viennese artist duo Process Studio will cooperate with the Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems of the AIT Center for Vision, Automation & Control. ABOUT ARTTEC at AIT Since 2016, the ARTTEC art
Wärmenetze und Kältenetze für Stadt und Industrie
- /en/themen/waermenetze-und-kaeltenetze-fuer-stadt-und-industrie
Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit von Energiesystemen verbessert werden. Für verlässliche und effiziente Systeme benötigen wir Speichermaterialien und Komponenten mit optimierten Eigenschaften. Dies umfasst die [...] regionale Synergien geschaffen, der Autarkiegrad erhöht und gleichzeitig die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Systems deutlich erhöht. Lösungen für Gebäudeverbände, Quartiere und urbane Gebiete Integration lokaler
Wireless Digital Twin
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/projects-1/wireless-digital-twin
the near future. By deploying DT, new services such as traffic prediction, intelligent navigation systems, and cooperative collision avoidance applications are also on the development radar in the short-term
RE-ACTA - Stärkung der Resilienz durch die Verbesserung der Kommunikation für das Team Österreich
- /en/research-topics/crisis-disaster-management/translate-to-english-projekte/re-acta-staerkung-der-resilienz-durch-die-verbesserung-der-kommunikation-fuer-das-team-oesterreich
eines Demonstrators für die Nachbarschaftshilfe getestet, der aus einem Crowd-Tasking Management System, einer mobilen Applikation, sowie einem Auswerte- und Berichtswerkzeug besteht. Facts: Projektzeitraum:
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/precinct
Security, Fundacion TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica SPA, Konnecta Systems Ltd, VLTN GCV, KENTRO MELETON ASFALEIAS, JAVNO PODJETJE LJUBLJANSKI POTNISKI PROMET D.O.O., Telekom
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/cerberus
, IFES - Institut für Empirische Sozialforschung GmbH, Universität Wien, Multimedia Information Systems, Universität Klagenfurt, Forschungsgruppe Systemsicherheit, Bundesministerium für Inneres, Bunde
Career Model: Science
- /en/career/career-models-career-paths/science
Junior Scientist Center for Digital Safety & Security, Competence Unit "Security & Communication Systems" Anahid Jalali, Scientist Center for Digital Safety & Security, Competence Unit "Data science &
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/operion
operando gas chromatograph / mass spectrometer / Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (GCMS-FTIR) system is adapted and equipped with a stationary negative thermal gradient gas chromatograph, which allows
PIARC Global Road Safety Knowledge Exchange
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/piarc-global-road-safety-knowledge-exchange
documentation is reviewed and analysed considering eight major road safety areas, based on the Safe System Approach, namely management, data, speed, vulnerable road users, human factors, infrastructure, vehicles
Wire Alloys
- /en/research-topics/alloy-development/wire-alloys
layer (see illustration). Generative manufacturing of 3D components is enabled by moving this welding system according to a predetermined path. The advantages of wire-based additive manufacturing include high
Magnesium alloys
- /en/research-topics/alloy-development/magnesium-alloys
precisely the area in which the LKR team is currently conducting research. A new type of material system has already been presented that surpasses known materials in terms of processability and strength
Novel alloy concepts
- /en/research-topics/alloy-development/novel-alloy-concepts
is independent of a basic element and can be applied to magnesium, aluminium and titanium based systems. On the basis of these concepts, a magnesium-lithium ultra-light alloy was developed and patented
Shock and vibration testing of components
- /en/labs/shock-and-vibration-testing-of-components
tests are successfully performed for electronic and electrical components, devices, machines and systems as well as superstructures for vehicle parts. We advise our customers in the selection of test methods
- /en/research-topics/innovation-policy-transformation/projects/capacities
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send MMag. Dr. Gudrun Haindlmaier Scientist / Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4544 +43 50550-4599 gudrun.haindlmaier(at)ait.ac.at
Smart and Carbon-Neutral Urban Development
- /en/research-topics/smart-and-carbon-neutral-urban-development
increase the share of renewable energies, integrate CO2-free, more efficient and better transport systems into urban areas and create new services for citizens. In the research field “Urban data analytics
Tune Our Block
- /en/research-topics/drc/projects/tune-our-block
to transform the metabolic regime of mobility towards a fossil-fuel-free, zero-emission transport system prioritizing walking, cycling and public transport. Barcelona’s Superblock concept – a disruptive
Heat Highway
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/heat-highway
Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Ralf-Roman Schmidt Senior Research Engineer / Integrated Energy Systems +43 50550-6695 +43 50550-6390 ralf.schmidt(at)ait.ac.at Key data Duration: 03/21 – 08/24 Project
Geothermal heating and cooling networks for industry, commerce and residential buildings
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/geothermal-heating-and-cooling-networks-for-industry-commerce-and-residential-buildings
* Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Edith Haslinger Senior Scientist, Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 3608 +43 50550 6390 edith.haslinger(at)ait.ac.at Key data Project start: 2022 Duration:
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