Public Security
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence/solutions-services/public-security
including enhanced detection of intruders. Potential integration into the overall security system with several camera systems. Enhanced situational awareness for security personnel. Multi-Media Intelligence Our [...] large open areas that require additional protection beyond traditional perimeter fencing and alarm systems. Intruders may sneak into these areas, and current security measures are not sufficient to detect [...] rs or commanders. Identity Management By using advanced computer vision algorithms and AI-based systems (e.g. LLMs), we can help law enforcement agencies to identify suspects more quickly and accurately
- /en/research-topics/power-system-planning-operation/projects/industry4redispatch
European networks. Redispatch is a necessary measure for congestion management at the transmission system level when thermal line capacity is exceeded. The challenge is that the amount flexibility available [...] there is a search for new solutions for making the procurement of redispatch more efficient to reduce system costs and enable effective integration of renewables. The main challenges in this process are: The [...] the project determines ways in which other sources of flexibility can be effectively engaged in system support. Achieving the energy efficiency targets and adapting to the changing energy market. Therefore
- /en/themen/enabling-digital-technologies/projekte/uniqorn
Schwerpunkt der Forschungsarbeiten liegt auf integrierten System-on-Chip-Lösungen. Sie bilden die Grundlage für hochminiaturisierte optische Systeme, die quantenmechanische Eigenschaften wie etwa Verschränkung [...] UNIQORN ist es, photonische Technologien in der Quantenkommunikation zu nutzen und dafür komplexe Systeme, die derzeit optische Aufbauten im Metermaßstab benötigen, auf millimetergroßen Chips unterzubringen [...] Micro-Photon-Devices, Politecnico Milano, Smart Photonics, Institute of Computer and Communication Systems Athens, VPI Photonics, Cordon Electronics). Die Perspektive der industriellen Endnutzer wird durch
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/rising
spatially redundant URLLC links are a key requirement for operating wireless automation and control systems in production cells in the mmWave band. In the 5G mmWave frequency band around 26 GHz large bandwidth [...] scenarios the fully digital transition is hampered by the fixed wiring of the automation and control systems. The replacement of cabled connections with wireless ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) [...] to make mmWave data communication suitable for the operation of wireless automation and control systems in production cells. RISING is designed to address important but difficult mmWave characteristics
- /en/research-topics/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projects/cores
technology combinations and System simulations for the illustration or processing of the above mentioned questions. The results of the CORES project should be comprehensible global system indicators (key performance [...] performance indicators), an optimization algorithm for the required system simulations and the control strategies derived from them for an optimized operation of the technology combinations. Furthermore, three [...] * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Sabrina Dusek Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 6440 +43 50550 6679 sabrina.dusek(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/projects/praetorian
toolset comprising: (i) a Physical Situation Awareness system, (ii) a Cyber Situation Awareness system; (iii) a Hybrid Situation Awareness system, which will include digital twins of the infrastructure [...] e under protection; and (iv) a Coordinated Response system. The PRAETORIAN toolset will support the security managers of Critical Infrastructures (CI) in their decision making to anticipate and withstand
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/projects/interpreter
military (command and control) information systems was created using state-of-the-art software design methods to ensure the semantic integrity of these systems. The modular structure of INTEPRETER enabled [...] enabled generic extensibility of the system to be created, which is a basic prerequisite for sustainable usability. Additionally, an extended concept of IT-supported integration of the affected population [...] define technical and organizational requirements that were considered in the architecture of the new system for civil-military interoperability. Since the participation of the population in the process of
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/quarter
combined with QKD systems, can offer information theoretic security on data transmission and storage. - Developing a stand-alone QKD postprocessing (TRL6) module which is compatible with QKD systems from different [...] project, the specific objectives of QUARTER include: - Increasing maturity level of EU-made QKD systems to TRL8 and start their industrialization, with special focus on physical module security and interfaces [...] or above) technology for QKD network integration and encryption, this including a key management system with end-to-end security by post-quantum cryptography, software defined network interfaces, modelling
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/assets4rail
modelling systems Fatigue algorithms for bridge information model module Train monitoring solutions Measurement of the transversal position of the wheel in relation to the rail Fail-safe systems: new diagnostic [...] wayside and remote), to correlate the different data and to obtain a holistic view of the railway system conditions. In particular, the project will address the following aims: Railway tunnel examination [...] to utilize all typical input data types provided by traffic management and structural monitoring systems, handling different situations of data availability. In the process, different data sources such
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects/soza
organizational effects of increasing automation in the Austrian freight transport system Automated driving and semi-automated systems are successively being launched and deployed on the market. While the associated [...] introduction of ATO Automated Train Operation, creation of migration strategies for an automatic coupling system in the railway sector and strategies in the area of cyber security. The resulting RTI and transport [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Jürgen Zajicek Research Engineer / Integrated Energy Systems +43 50550-6614 +43 50550-6439 juergen.zajicek(at)ait.ac.at Project partner Herry Consult Funded by
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects/ccont
role in the strategic planning: it goes beyond GPS tracking, as it allows the driver to inform the system with a simple click on his smartphone about the arrival at a customer premises or the uncoupling [...] of the flatcar. These events are processed and help to maintain the current state of the system. In addition, travel times and loading/unloading times are continuously calculated and statistically evaluated [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI in Ulrike Ritzinger Scientist / Integrated Energy Systems +43 50550-6076 +43 50550-6439 ulrike.ritzinger(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind
Fleet Management and Connected Logistics
- /en/solutions/plan
in the EU research project OPTIMUM , the AIT is working on the reduction of traffic volume through system-aware intermodal route planning. Project EMILIA : Logistics concepts and electric vehicle components [...] appropriate mathematical methods and tools for this purpose. Plan revolutionises the entire transport system Globalisation and online commerce are driving the demand for transport, and higher transport volume [...] counter this using the highest mathematical expertise. For our methods and tools, such as the FLEET system, we use traffic forecast information or real-time traffic data to calculate the perfect economical
- /en/research-topics/energy-conversion-and-hydrogen/projects/kat-paws
photocatalysts, employed in photoreactors for the production of green hydrogen. The investigated material system is complex, with interactions between the plasmon particles, the catalytic metal and the photocatalyst [...] Therefore, a conventional experimental design is not suitable for a comprehensive investigation of the system and must be replaced by a resource-saving approach. By using time-, material- and energy-saving [...] efficiency for hydrogen production, achieving an increase of over 30% compared to plasmon-free systems. Savings of critical raw materials (such as Pt) through the application of material-efficient deposition
- /en/research-topics/crisis-and-disaster-management/projects/quinjunsat
duration: 2 Years Funding: funded by the FFG Coordination: GeoVille Information Systems GmbH Partner: GeoVille Information Systems GmbH, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Austria), GeoThings Inc. (Taiwan) [...] the key technological expertise of the involved Austrian (Earth Observation/Satellite, Information System and Crowdtasking Technologies), and Taiwanese (Crowdsourcing technologies) consortium partners through
- /en/research-topics/road-condition-monitoring-assessments/projects/amphora
contribution to the system design and distress catalogue based on Austrian regulations, collection and evaluation of reference data with different surface distress collection systems (scanner, camera) and [...] expenditure of time and money and, on the other hand, introduces a certain unwanted subjectivity into the system. At the most important Austrian measuring vehicle for road condition monitoring "RoadSTAR" the existing
Positive Energy Districts
- /en/research-topics/digital-resilient-cities/projects/positive-energy-districts
Energy Systems, Buildings, Implementation, Policy Launch: 07/2018 Duration: 7 months Client/ promoter: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie Website: setis.ec.europa.eu/system/files [...] ecological, cultural and social context. They are an integral part of the urban energy and mobility system. Specifically, this project will be to support the bmvit in the development of the cornerstones of
- /en/solutions/network-operators-energy-service-providers/data-analytics-for-energy-system-applications/ease
Multi-Sensors for Forecasting and Diagnostics Throughout the course of the project EASE, a comprehensive system will be studied by connecting historical and actual generation data with equipment data of geographically [...] s in direct competition also to cooperate while safeguarding their own interests. The developed systems are tested on real plants within the framework of a proof-of-concept. Funding Tool This project is [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Sarah Reisenbauer Research Engineer / Power and Renewable Gas Systems +43 664 88390695 sarah.reisenbauer(at)ait.ac.at Key Facts Project Duration: 10/23–9/26 Project Partners:
Design & development of technologies
- /en/solutions/decarbonisation-and-digitalisation-in-industry/design-development-of-technologies
storage tanks combined with our extensive knowledge in modeling and simulation of entire plants and systems enables us to find the optimal solutions for your project. Our spectrum ranges from Material cha [...] heat accumulators, heat exchangers Solutions for special thermodynamic requirements Components and system testing Design of components and plants for economic waste heat utilization Creation of new plant [...] mass transfer Simulation and design of control and regulation concepts for electrical and thermal systems. Test benches Analytical methods Reference Projects Hybuild read more DryFiciency read more StoreITup-IF
Controller-In-The-Loop CIL
- /en/solutions/circular-building-solutions/controller-in-the-loop-cil
of many errors in the control strategies of HVAC systems. At AIT's unique Digital Controller Test Bench, control strategies for building automation systems can be tested at an early stage of the project [...] Bench Testing of regulation and control units for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems Supported communication interfaces: BACnet, KNX, Modbus, 0...10V, 4...20mA and many more Embedding
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/flex
remotely controllable prosumer components such as heat pumps, boilers, PV storage systems and e-mobility for selected system-serving services, such as marketing on spot and balancing energy markets and minimizing [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Tara Esterl , MSc, MSc Head of Competence Unit Integrated Energy Systems (IES) +43 (0) 50 550 6077 tara.esterl(at)ait.ac.at Key data Project partner: IDM Energiesysteme GmbH
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