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Assessment of your ecological balance sheet

On the way to sustainable fleet solutions

In close cooperation between the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and the Federal Environment Agency, competencies in the areas of transport optimization and determination of climate-relevant environmental impacts are bundled - to support your sustainable strategic fleet planning.

Fleet analysis and optimization

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology offers solutions for safe, environmentally friendly, cost-effective and energy-efficient mobility. In the field of transport optimization and logistics, the focus is on the analysis, evaluation and optimization of transport systems.

To increase efficiency and sustainability, the experts at the AIT Center for Mobility Systems evaluate current vehicle and fleet deployments. Using real data from your fleet, a mathematical model is created using DynaTOP, based on the number and type of vehicles used and a representation of the driving tasks as complete as possible. These data represent the actual situation of the fleet and serve as a reference scenario for the fleet analysis.

In addition, the model allows to depict possible strategic optimizations in the fleet composition and the use of the vehicles (route planning) by means of further scenarios. These scenarios stand for a potential sustainable further development of your fleet.

Survey of the environmental impact

Based on the scenarios of the fleet analysis, the Austrian Federal Environment Agency calculates and evaluates the climate-relevant effects of your fleet operation and makes forecasts about the effects of a conversion of the fleet - from (partial) electrification to a reduction of the number of vehicles used. The emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants as well as the total energy consumption are examined, whereby the effects from driving operations and those from upstream processes are combined into a holistic life cycle analysis.

The emissions and energy consumption are determined in relation to the types of vehicle, the exhaust classes, the types of fuel used and the respective traffic situations. The optimized fleet is compared with the existing reference fleet in order to derive the ecological added value. For the analysis, the software tools NEMO (Network Emission Model) and HBEFA (Handbook for Emission Factors) are used for the direct emissions and GEMIS (Global Emissions Model Integrative System) for the upstream processes.

A step towards sustainable mobility

A detailed fleet analysis is the basis for reducing traffic-related energy costs. The preparation of a life cycle assessment is an essential step towards the sustainable development of your company fleet - contact us!

Used tools

  • DynaTOP (dynamic route planning and optimization)
  • NEMO (Network emission model)
  • HBEFA (Manual for emission factors)
  • GEMIS (Global emissions model of integrated systems)