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AIT Bioresources team wins the Lower Austrian Innovation Award in the category "Best Innovation from Lower Austrian Research Institutions"

AIT microbiome research impresses with the project: "Endophytes - the solution for climate-neutral agriculture"

The Bioresources Team of the AIT Center for Health and Bioresources was honored for its innovative research achievements in the field of sustainable agriculture. With the project "Endophytes - the solution for climate-neutral agriculture: Endophyte-based technologies for plant production", the group led by Angela Sessitsch won the Lower Austrian Innovation Award 2023. A further confirmation after the success at the Houska Prize 2023, as well as the AIT participation in the Cluster of Excellence "Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health".

The award-winning AIT project focuses on the research and application of endophytes to promote sustainable plant production. Through the development of advanced delivery technologies, AIT experts have commercialized endophytic strains such as Bacillus simplex KLA5-2 and Bacillus simplex S4, which efficiently support agriculture as powerful biopesticides and biostimulants. These developments help to transform agricultural practices and improve ecological compatibility.

The Lower Austrian Innovation Prize, awarded by a cooperation between the Province of Lower Austria and the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce, honors outstanding achievements in the field of innovation every year. The main prize bears the name of technology pioneer Karl Ritter von Ghega and is endowed with 10,000 euros, while category prizes are recognized with 4,000 euros each. The award ceremony forms a central part of regional innovation promotion and reflects the commitment to progress and sustainability.

The experts from the Comptence Unit Bioresources of the AIT Center for Health and Bioresources underline the importance of research and development towards an environmentally friendly and climate-neutral future of agriculture.

Read more: https://www.ait.ac.at/themen/bioresources