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How will the city of the future look like?

Gudrun Haindlmaier at the 87th Zoom kids lectures

What will our city look like in the future? What functions does it have to fulfil and how can people live well in it? Although all cities have similar functions, they look very different - why is that? At the 87th ZOOM Children's Lecture last Sunday, AIT Senior Scientist Gudrun Haindlmaier took the youngest on a journey into the future. Together they considered how we can actively help shape our cities. At the end, there was also a small experiment in which the children from the audience could decide what should be built fictitiously with 10 million euros: A swimming pool, a new tramway or 10 new operating theatres. The majority decided in favour of the operating theatres.

Since 2003, ZOOM has been using the Vienna Children's Lectures to inspire children aged 8 to 12 for science and to convey how important it is to ask questions, be curious and not take everything for granted. The lectures are held by renowned Austrian and international scientists from a wide range of research fields.
