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Phoenix Contact OT Security Kick-Off

Apr 12
Industry Cyber-Security Legislation in Austria

"Industry Cyber-Security Legislation in Austria" in relation to NIS 2.0 / EU Cyber Resilience Act.

Christoph Schmittner MSc, Center Digital Safety & Security, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, will give insights into the problem areas of cyber security and digitalization for cyber security by design in the course of a series of lectures in the auditorium of the TU Wien Science Center in the Arsenal.

All digital systems, i.e. products "with digital elements" such as hardware and software, must follow a cyber security by design approach in the future. With ThreatGet, AIT has developed a new approach that identifies risks and attack paths on the basis of a system model, a threat database and potential attackers. This makes threats assessable, security goals plannable and all results traceable, documented and prepared for regulations such as the Cyber Resilience Act.

Christoph Schmittner leads a team for safety and security engineering with focus on the automotive and industrial sector. He is engaged in the method and analysis of safety-critical / fault-tolerant system architectures, is an expert in international standardization groups such as TC65/AHG2 "Reliability of Automation Devices and Systems" as well as project leader for the development of ISO PAS 5112 "Road vehicles - Guidelines for auditing cybersecurity engineering".

For more information on the event and to register, click here.