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AIT scientist receives prestigious Test of Time Award

Dejan Nickovic, AIT Expert for safety of cyber-physical systems (CPS), received award

Dejan Nickovic, AIT Scientist (Credit: AIT / Mürling)

For his paper on “Parametric Identification of Temporal Properties” Dejan Nickovic, AIT expert for safety of cyber-physical systems (CPS), received the Runtime Verification (RV) Test of Time Award 2021. Runtime verification is concerned with the monitoring and analysis of the runtime behaviour of software and hardware systems. Runtime verification techniques are crucial for system correctness, reliability, and robustness - and in the context of today's digitization of things have a direct impact on the safety of its users. The awarded paper proposed a method based on runtime verification for mining requirements from time series and thus explaining the behavior of CPS by observing their behaviors.

The price was awarded at the International Conference on Runtime Verification 2021, which was held virtually, due to the pandemic. You can review the award announcement session here.