E-Mobility on Stage 2014
Smatrics, Wien Energie. Highlights:• Test track for e-bikes etc.• KTM motocross course – a stuntman shows, how it is done• Renault ZOE, BMWi3, Opel Ampera test drives and winning adventure days [...] driving and charging electrical vehicles, but also be impressed by driving pleasures, which provide test drives with electric cars, electric motocross vehicles and electric bikes and more. The business unit
Workshop: Field Testing and Seismic Vulnerability Assessment
A new workshop on Field Testing and Seismic Vulnerability Assessment organized by the AIT Mobility Department, Transportation Infrastructure Technologies, will take place on 25th to 26th September 2014 [...] seismic hazard. This workshop intends to be a meeting-point for international experts in both field testing and seismic vulnerability assessment to collect expert knowledge in these fields and share it with [...] vulnerability assessmentIdentification of fragility functionsIn-situ assessment of structuresField testing techniques regarding seismic assessmentMonitoring of critical structures and infrastructuresSeismic
18th ITI Symposium in Dresden
Highlights: Synergy effects from the combination of development tools and simulations and testing Early tests of control software against virtual machine modelsNew technologies in SimulationX 3.7 The
AI Taskforce
- /en/ai-taskforce
Establishment of an AI training, education and information platform Identifying the potential and testing different AI tools Advising and supporting AIT employees in the field of AI Establishment of an AIT
- /en/research-topics/thermophysics/accreditation
Accreditation Testing laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025 Specific heat capacity – Differential Scanning Calorimetry Thermal expansion – Push Rod Dilatometry Thermal diffusivity – Laser Flash Analysis
System Integration & Point of Care Devices
- /en/research-topics/molecular-diagnostics/systems-integration-point-of-care-devices-2
The key driver for this development are point of care (POC) devices providing decentralized rapid testing. Those systems depend on miniaturised and automated processes with superior analytical performance [...] fully functional devices providing simple, fast, and user-friendly operation. With such systems home-testing and self-monitoring can be performed, enabling lifestyle optimisation and early detection for the [...] cutting) POC APPLICATION EXAMPLES Infectious disease diagnostics in the human and veterinary field Rapid tests for mobile laboratories Respiratory infection diagnostics for general practitioners Oral disease
Infectious diseases
- /en/research-topics/molecular-diagnostics/infectious-diseases-1
development of new antibiotics. In the past, we have developed and clinically validated a diagnostic test that can detect all relevant antibiotic resistances. In collaboration with our clinical partners,
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/urbanlight
people's behavior in street spaces. The project Three different lighting scenarios were evaluated in the test area of Blumauergasse in Vienna's second district. First the existing, conventional street lighting
Technology from Seibersdorf in space
- /en/blog/technology-from-seibersdorf-in-space
"Therefore, tests regarding radiation resistance of satellite components are essential for the reliability and sustainability of space missions." Seibersdorf Laboratories provide radiation immunity testing as a [...] satellites. On the other hand, a measuring device called SATDOS, which was developed, built and tested in Seibersdorf, measures the radiation environment (solar storms, cosmic rays) in space. Among other [...] a commercial service to the international space industry - there are only a handful of comparable test facilities in Europe. Radiation in space The dosimeter will provide important insights into solar
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/highspin
base – to meet the respective requirements of vehicles and aircraft. The cells will be installed and tested in module demonstrators with high energy density, power density and long-lasting durability for road [...] investment in new types of production equipment. Two different recycling processes are also being tested in HighSpin to reuse the recycled metals as part of the active materials for new cells, contributing
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/selfie
functionality testing as well as functional safety modeling. The overall solution finds its practical application in a demonstration vehicle – a Fiat Doblò, validated by comprehensive test series on test benches [...] benches, test tracks and in real road traffic. As part of the high-level project consortium, AIT experts were involved in CFD simulations for the numerical modeling of multiphase flows in heat exchangers.
Green and digital transformation
- /en/blog/green-and-digital-transformation
the NEFI (New Energy for Industry) innovation network, concrete technologies are currently being tested and roadmaps or transformation paths are being developed. Mega-task mobility transition One example
- /en/themen/solid-state-batteries/projects/helena
and processing, electrochemical characterization of individual battery components, assembly and testing of prototype pouch cells. Furthermore, the HELENA cell behaviour in realistic use cases from automotive
Decarbonisation - Steam without Gas
- /en/blog/decarbonisation-steam-without-gas
optimal integration of this technology into the energy system of the production plant. © Takeda Testing technologies in real time in the field AHEAD thereby impressively testifies to the NEFI network's [...] climate neutrality. "The special thing about our cooperation is that the new technologies can be tested in real time in the field - we research and develop very close to the immediate implementation," [...] and technical solutions to decarbonise steel production by 100 per cent. The solutions will also be tested and demonstrated at selected sites. "The transformation of the industrial energy system towards climate
How quantum technologies are making our everyday lives safer
- /en/blog/how-quantum-technologies-are-making-our-everyday-lives-safer
AIT as the European Centre of Excellence for Quantum Encryption has now developed and practically tested a special quantum encryption method for digital payments. They recently reported this in the renowned [...] Zukunft Österreich". The development activities around this communication infrastructure set up for test purposes as well as the technology evaluation of quantum encryption in interaction with commercial
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/tempo
of the measurement and control setup, and the two control variables used in the smart controller tests. Funding tool European Commission (Horizon 2020 funding, Grant Agreement no. 768936) × Kontakt Formular [...] Presentation Tijs Van Oevelen, Thomas Neven, Aurélien Brès, Ralf-Roman Schmidt, Dirk Vanhoudt: Testing and evaluation of a smart controller for reducing peak loads and return temperatures in district
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/deriskdh
storage and in the inclusion of consumers and business models. Concrete solutions are demonstrated and tested in Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, and Klagenfurt. Funding tool This project is supported with the
iniGrid - Smart components for active distribution networ
- /en/inigrid
at the AIT Energy Department the components will be put through their paces in comprehensive field tests.“Both network operators and component manufacturers have already shown keen interest in these innovative
- /en/research-topics/integrated-energy-systems/projects/industry4redispatch
the provision of redispatch in compliance with the DSO requirements. Plant tests The integrated redispatch concept is tested by several demonstrations at different industrial plants located in the distribution
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/sd4msd
into a refined system concept. In addition to the functional validation by the user, penetration tests were also performed to ensure that non-functional security requirements are met. Projectpartner:
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