Effective practical approaches from the point of view of public authorities for the efficient use of electromobility loads
The objectives of the R&D service "Effective practical approaches from the authorities' perspective for the efficient use of electric mobility (WALL E)", which was provided by a bidding consortium consisting of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Department IV/1; AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Porsche Austria GmbH & Co OG, Allmobil GmbH and Wien Energie GmbH, were:
1. investigation of the usability of alternative drive forms with a focus on electric mobility for blue light organisations
The structure of the study was - also at the request of the customer - designed to that the initial situation in fleet management in the police is first analysed (Section 2, bottom-up perspective, current situation) and then analysing the technical technical possibilities of different drive systems were then analysed and compared (Section 3, top-down perspective based on the current possibilities of different technologies). The study then went on to argue in favour of electromobility as the target technology.
2. recording the practice-orientated requirement profiles for vehicles, (charging) infrastructure, organisation infrastructure, organisation
In section 4 of the study, all requirements from the perspective of the blue light organisation were recorded in a structured manner, such as vehicle categories, deployment scenarios for the vehicles and police-specific installations and their impact on energy consumption. A fundamental aspect of the research service was to determine the actual utilisation profiles of representative vehicles within the police force. In total, measurement data from 31 conventional vehicles with combustion engines and three electric vehicles from different areas of operation (urban and rural police inspectorates, motorway police inspectorates, electric vehicles of the crime scene group and the investigation area, etc.) were recorded for almost 11,000 days. The sometimes erratic data quality of the data loggers used required immense efforts from the project team to derive meaningful information from the raw data, to process it in a structured manner and to be able to make generally valid statements. Requirements for the infrastructure were then analysed and written down for the needs of the police.
3. analysing the impact on the population's need for security in terms of availability, cost-effectiveness
A basic premise of the project was to ensure that the safety requirements based on the mobility requirements were the same or better than the current situation, and in any case not to generate any negative effects by changing the type of drive. In addition to a discussion of possible blackout scenarios and their impact on the e-vehicles used, changes were also made to the total cost of ownership analysis in order to incorporate economic implications here. The effects were also discussed in section 4 of the study.
4. drawing up recommendations for action in the form of a roadmap
The final section 5 presents similar test or conversion projects identified during the course of the project, whereby a direct personal exchange also took place with those in Dresden and Braunschweig. The framework conditions for a possible conversion were formulated as guidelines and the existing driving profiles were compared with the theoretical requirements. Determining the electrical maps of electric motors proved difficult, as Porsche Austria was also denied the necessary information within the Volkswagen Group. For this reason, general characteristic maps from earlier measurements were used and the additional consumers of a police vehicle (standard patrol car) were measured at the AIT. The roadmap resulted in the postulation of guidelines for a possible first conversion project for the police, for which a potential number of vehicles to be replaced was argued.
The benefit for the customer was the creation of a sound basis for decision-making in the form of a study entitled "Possibilities for the use of alternative vehicle drive systems with a focus on electromobility in the police force". From the perspective of the entire bidding consortium, the objectives were achieved in full.
- Partner: Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI), Wien Energie GmbH, Porsche Austria Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. OG.
- Project duration: 10/2018-12/2019
- Funding: KIRAS Sicherheitsforschung – Ausschreibung 2017/18, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsdienstleistungen
- Partner: Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI), Wien Energie GmbH, Porsche Austria Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. OG.
- Projektlaufzeit: 10/2018-12/2019
- Förderprogramm: KIRAS Sicherheitsforschung – Ausschreibung 2017/18, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsdienstleistungen