- /en/themen/enabling-digital-technologies/projekte/uniqorn
Systemanbieter Mellanox und den Betreiber Cosmote eingebracht. Die Evaluierung im Feld erfolgt in der Smart-City Testumgebung, die von der Universität Bristol betrieben wird. Facts Projektbeginn: Oktober 2018 [...] Packaging zurückgreifen (Eindhoven University of Technology, Micro-Photon-Devices, Politecnico Milano, Smart Photonics, Institute of Computer and Communication Systems Athens, VPI Photonics, Cordon Electronics)
Urban Transport Tbilisi
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/urban-transport-tbilisi
for Asia (CDIA), the Future Cities Program and its associated TA’s, especially the Promoting Smart Systems in ADB’s Future Cities Program (RETA-9170), the Piloting Future Cities Future Women Initiative (RETA [...] region and becoming a smart, future-ready city. Acknowledgement All the work within this project was done in close cooperation the Asian Development Bank, Tbilisi Municipality, the Cities Development Initiative [...] planning is needed. To engage selected cities in an integrated approach towards becoming more livable, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) established the Future Cities Program (FCP) in the Asia and Pacific
Urban Transport Tbilisi
- /en/research-topics/integrated-digital-urban-planning/projects/urban-transport-tbilisi
for Asia (CDIA), the Future Cities Program and its associated TA’s, especially the Promoting Smart Systems in ADB’s Future Cities Program (RETA-9170), the Piloting Future Cities Future Women Initiative (RETA [...] region and becoming a smart, future-ready city. Acknowledgement All the work within this project was done in close cooperation the Asian Development Bank, Tbilisi Municipality, the Cities Development Initiative [...] planning is needed. To engage selected cities in an integrated approach towards becoming more livable, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) established the Future Cities Program (FCP) in the Asia and Pacific
Wanted: Ways to more sustainability
- /en/blog/wanted-ways-to-more-sustainability
contributions focus on the transition of energy systems and cities. On the latter topic, Vienna itself is a good example with its smart city projects as well as initial activities in the context of the [...] dialogue with practitioners. For this purpose, the conference is also financially supported by the City of Vienna, the Vienna Chamber of Labour and the Climate and Energy Fund. From pilot projects to l [...] cooperation with the Vienna Children's University in the form of a workshop on the topic of "Sustainable City of the Future". "We see an urgent need to develop system innovations, finding solutions that can also
- /en/smarticipate
between citizens, businesses and public administrations in the management of cities, providing a must-have tool that improves cities’ performance. It leverages government/citizen relationships, reduces burdens [...] smarticipate smarticipate Smart open data services and impact assessment for open governance Objective smarticipate is a data-based citizen dialogue system. It transforms public data into new intelligence [...] full access to open data and obtain feedback on their neighbourhood-related and citywide ideas for city development. This is achieved in a playful way through digital dialogue based on the creation of an
Smart Survey
- /en/solutions/sensing-travel-behavior/smart-survey
Smart Survey Mobility surveys made easy with smartphones SMART SURVEY is the complete, out-of-the-box solution for mobility surveys via smartphone app and web service. It yields high-precision, multimodal [...] multimodal mobility data for traffic planning, mobility research, cities and communities. Simple & smart: your benefits Simple participation No routes forgotten Detailed, reliable route information Automatic [...] with considerable effort and costs. SMART SURVEY is your solution Mobility surveys using smartphones measure data more simply, precisely and economically. With SMART SURVEY, AIT offers you the perfect solution:
- /en/sitemap
Mobility Data Analytics Digital Resilient Cities and Regions City Intelligence Lab Responsive Cities & Regions Smart Spatial Planning Energy Conscious Cities & Regions Urban Resilience User Experience [...] Projects Facilities Vehicle System Simulation Projekte Smart Electric Drives Library Smart Power Trains Library Electric Energy Storages Library Smart Cooling Library Energy Markets & Energy infrastructure [...] Kontakt Downloads und Publikationen Schönbrunn Palace - Simulation in Visitor Management Scoot&Ride Smart City Rheintal SPINTRENDS SUPERBE Bike-Sharing for Touristic Use TransitBuddy TransportBuddy Urban Transport
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/scott
networks and communication in the areas of mobility, building and smart infrastructure, addressing numerous European societal challenges such as smart, green, and integrated transport, secure and inclusive societies [...] geometry-based stochastic channel models for vehicular scenarios (driverless cars in densely built-up city centres) and the railway environment (measurement and characterization of propagation conditions for
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/resolve
that will primarily attract conventional car drivers to switch to ELVs for daily urban commutes. EU cities are increasingly congested due to the high demand and usage of motor vehicles. This results in increased [...] increased emissions and noise levels and scarcer moving space, affecting the quality of life and health of city-dwellers. To overcome this problem, European standards are getting stricter and urban mobility plans [...] consider LVs as a viable and comfortable option. Links: http://www.resolve-project.eu/ Funding program: Smart, green and integrated transport - Green Vehicles 2014 Topic: GV.5-2014. Electric two-wheelers and
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/realism
example, the automation of inner-city traffic will benefit immensely by being able to use extended range and complementary situational awareness in combination with smart city (IoT) concepts. The REALISM software
- /en/research-topics/capturing-experience/projects/waalter
are considered in the further development of existing strategic concepts and strategies of the Smart City Wien. AIT contributes to this project mainly by designing and conducting the longitudinal quantitative [...] age of 65+. Key Words: System integration, empowerment, user evaluation, exploitation strategies, Smart City Start: 12/2016 Duration: 36 months Funding Organisation: FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderu
- /en/pvopti-ray
photovoltaics in urban areas Cities are the biggest energy consumers and they are going to be the major victims of climate change. Against this background, the ‚Solar Cities‘ issue is discussed nationally [...] nationally and internationally: cities that are gaining most of their energy need from the sun directly with their own rooftops and facades. Active houses and Solar Cities are thus planned in a way that they [...] urban climate-building models and PV yield tools optimum solutions of city planning are developed with respect to the design of city canyons and forming its surfaces. As a result, an optimized yield of
Reference projects
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/reference-projects
international funding programmes. Ongoing projects 3D4Bombardier (Innovative driver assistance system for smart trams of the future) AEROCEPTOR (UAV Based Innovative Means for Land and Sea Non-Cooperative Vehicle [...] 2015 INTEGREEN (Integration of Traffic and Environmental Data for Improving Green Policies in the City of Bolzano) 2011 - 2015 MBAT (Model-Based Analysis & Test) 2011 - 2014 DVKUP (Kollisionsvermeidungssysteme
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects
Simulation in Visitor Management Scoot&Ride Micro-vehicles as a catalyst for shifting everyday routes Smart City Rheintal SPINTRENDS Space and Infrastructure Trends for Collaborative Planning SUPERBE Potentials [...] Microsimulation Environment mobalance A Climate-Compatible Alternative for Tomorrow’s Mobility MOBLE Smart mobile furniture for the urban public realm ModEL Modal decisions in the logistics sector MONITOR
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects
SELECT ShareMob Innovative e-car sharing concept as a tool for improving mobility, resource... SmartCT Smart Container Trucking SozA Social and organizational effects of increasing automation in the Austrian [...] robot for the automatic marshalling yard EUFAL EMILIA GrazLog Conception of a cooperatively used inner-city hub for parcel deliveries hub.connect Automated cargo handling scenarios for logistics centers inned [...] driverless mobility future proactively MIMIC Minimizing impact of construction material flows in cities: Innovative... ModEL Modal decisions in the logistics sector MyITS OptiMaaS Holistic mobility solutions
- /en/research-topics/smart-and-carbon-neutral-urban-development/projects
Projects CirQA CoDeC CCRI-CSO Operation of the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative’s Coordination &... DS4SSCC Data Space for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities
Press Releases
- /en/press/press-releases-german
AIT Project HotCity Wins Austrian Blockchain Award (pdf) 20.05.2020 Picture 01: AIT Project HotCity Wins Austrian Blockchain Award (jpg) Photo Credits: Jacek Dylag/ AIT Project HotCity 20.05.2020 Picture [...] solutions for power electronics and smart grids at PCIM 2024 in Nuremberg (pdf) 05.06.2024 Photo: AIT presents innovative solutions for power electronics and smart grids at PCIM 2024 in Nuremberg (jpg) [...] in the Field of Power Electronics and Smart Grids (pdf) 02.05.2023 AIT presents the latest Technologies and Solutions in the Field of Power Electronics and Smart Grids (jpg) Photocredit: AIT 28.04.2023
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/projects/precinct
Systems (IE), Nurogames (DE), Smart Innovation Norway (NO), VLTN (BE) National Authorities and Service Providers: Athens Airport (GR), Athens Metro (GR), City of Antwerp (BE), City of Ljubljana (Sl), Elektro [...] individual CIs, however, the interrelationships between Cis has become more complex for example in smart cities and managing the impacts of cascading effects and enabling rapid recovery is becoming more pertinent [...] detect violations and provide optimised response and mitigation measures and automated forensics. Smart PRECINCT Ecosystems, deployed in four large-scale Living Labs and Transferability Validation Demonstrators
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/precinct
individual CIs, however, the interrelationships between Cis has become more complex for example in smart cities and managing the impacts of cascading effects and enabling rapid recovery is becoming more pertinent [...] detect violations and provide optimised response and mitigation measures and automated forensics. 5. Smart PRECINCT Ecosystems, deployed in four large-scale Living Labs and Transferability Validation Demonstrators [...] Twins corresponding to the CIs located therein, include active participation of emergency services and city administrations with results feeding back to the Digital Twins developments. 6. Sustainability related
Smart Spatial Planning
- /en/solutions/digital-resilient-cities-and-regions/smart-spatial-planning
Smart Spatial Planning The future of the urban isn’t on its way: we’re applying it now. We develop and apply cutting-edge tools, while using big data and AI for smart urban planning and management. We [...] today’s complexities call for highly informed planning and decision-making. In our work, we help cities and private businesses to: build data-informed scenarios for their strategic planning; use AI to [...] and insights combing novel digital methods like augmented reality. Spatial Data Analytics We mine cities for information in order to visualise and plan their future. In doing so, we analyze locations in
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