- /en/research-topics/forming-technologies/projects/zdm
ZDM Zero Defect Manufacturing for Thermo-dynamical Processes The strategic orientation of the LKR in the coming years is fundamentally shaped by two aspects: Digitalization and decarbonization , where
- /en/solutions/reliable-transport-infrastructure/vibes
of noise barriers under dynamic load Vibration simulations using MoSeS before and during construction stages Immission forecasts of industrial vibration sources/forecasting dynamic interaction and resonance [...] Structural Dynamics and Assessment × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/solutions-services/security-consulting/uwedat
directly from the area surrounding a motorway in order to respond to pollution levels by applying dynamic traffic control measures. References Intelligent route control: field tests in Vienna, Zagreb, Porto [...] monitoring (e.g. CBRN) and classical air/water quality measurements Automatic threshold management and dynamic data analysis (FORMULA query language; interface to office or analysis tools) Appropriate tools
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/unwire
setup: optimized wireless signal processing algorithms (in the transmitter and the receiver) and the dynamic selection of wireless relays with multiple antennas (network diversity). The aim of realizing an
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence/team
Pflugfelder, Roman Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Object Detection, Visual Motion and Tracking, Dynamic Perception and Occlusion, Visual Learning https://rpflugfelder.github.io Pham, Lam VLSI design, Digital
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects/spade
einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Benjamin Biesinger Scientist / Dynamic Transportation Systems +43 50550-6412 +43 50550-6439 benjamin.biesinger(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/soccrates
ATOS SPAIN, Vattenfall IT Services Poland Sp. z o.o. Project duration: 09/2019 – 10/2022 Funding: Dynamic countering of cyber-attacks, SU-ICT-01-2018 (H2020) × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem
- /en/sitemap
TRUSTED2 VALU3S Structural Dynamics and Assessment Structural dynamics and vibration forecasts Structural assessment and monitoring Numerical Methods for Structural Dynamics Projects AMBITION ANFÜK ASSESS [...] University Spin-offs Costs of Research Innovation Dynamics & Modelling Projects RISIS ETER Higher Education Research KNOWMAK KNOWSIM ACIB Science Dynamics Multireg PREF Impact of R&D Networks Data Infrastructure [...] ASSESS Assets4Rail COUNT DEEB-INFRA Dynamics of railroad bridges Dynamics of noise barriers EBA-Lastmodell KOMET MOSIB NERA OLME OnboardEU Probabilistic structural analysis in the life cycle Rail4Future
Solidification simulation
- /en/research-topics/numerical-simulation/solidification-simulation
parameters shall be systematically investigated in order to finally achieve a desired microstructure by dynamic process parameter adaptation. Process-dependent microstructure formation with a higher cooling rate
- /en/solutions/analysis-and-optimization-of-pedestrian-flows/simulate
methods we use in SIMULATE are scientifically recognised and the result of years of research in crowd dynamics. Comprehensive data from a large number of real person flow analyses is a key component of the models
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/sibs
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
- /en/research-topics/climate-resilient-urban-pathways/projects/sensus
The project’s comprehensive systemic approach guarantees new insights into a widely underexposed dynamic, namely the link between NbS and social equality in urban environments. The outcomes will directly
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/senbridge
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/seed
hand, the aforementioned sources of danger and the driving dynamics of e-scooters are to be analysed in a well-founded manner. The driving dynamics data will be collected and evaluated using objective measurement [...] Current regulations largely place e-scooters on an equal footing with bicycles. From a driving dynamics point of view, however, there are significant differences between these vehicle types. Reports of [...] detailed accident files and not through a simple database query as is usually the case. The driving dynamics differ greatly from bicycles, but even between the different e-scooter models, significant differences
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects/seamless
planning components, which guarantee an efficient and comfortable use of the (e-) vehicles by optimized dynamic vehicle allocation and charging strategies. The intelligent use of buffer batteries and energy management
- /en/solutions/traffic-safety/safe
accident data Detailed accident root cause analysis based on road condition, road geometry, and driving dynamics Analysis of accident black spots and traffic conflicts utilising data from mobile devices Prediction [...] about vehicles and drivers. In order to evaluate critical driving manoeuvres, we measure vehicle dynamics limits using specially-equipped vehicles. Evaluation of the accident risk and developing future
Runtime Verification
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/verification-validation/runtime-verification
physical environment. They exhibit complex behaviors that typically combine discrete and continuous dynamics. The tremendous complexity of the CPS applications, such as autonomous vehicles, makes full and
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/i-am-rri
application, mechanical engineering (tooling, automotive , aerospace) and consumer products. The dynamic model shall strengthen the knowledge base for policy orientation regarding promoting innovation.
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/translate-to-english-ribet
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects/riamo
modeling and performing real tests of an operational automated state-of-the-art on-demand shuttle with dynamic path planning and automated charging management. Based on a requirements analysis, a mobility concept
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