Biological Barriers
- /en/research-topics/molecular-diagnostics/biological-barriers-1
evaluation of novel therapeutic strategies Drug transport studies Nanoparticle, liposomal or protein (incl. biopharmaceutics) transport studies Transport studies with chemicals, toxins, ingredients of cosmetics [...] or epithelial cells. The functionality is determined by physical, transport and metabolic barrier components which control the transport of molecules and the transfer of signals across the barrier. These [...] food Effects of compounds on functional barrier properties (paracellular, transport or metabolic barrier) Long-term studies in dynamic hollow-fiber models for e.g. chronic studies with physiological concentrations
Innovation Strategies
- /en/solutions/innovation-strategies
evaluate Open Innovation People develp new products, ideas and Innovation Systems & Digitalisation read more Innovation Dynamics & Modelling read more × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert [...] future is not predictable, it can be shaped jointly by the relevant actors. The Center for Innovation Systems & Policy supports companies and organizations in overcoming technological challenges and actively [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Leitner Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4567 +43 50550-2201 karl-heinz.leitner(at)ait.ac.at
Sustainable & flexible Manufacturing Systems
- /en/solutions/sustainable-flexible-manufacturing-systems
Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 88256031 martin.niederer(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive & [...] & Autonomous Systems Complex Dynamical Systems
Learning & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems
- /en/solutions/learning-adaptive-mechatronic-systems
Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] automation components Mechatronic Design Mechatronic system design is the integrated design of a mechanical and electronic system and its embedded control system. Our mechatronic design methodology consists of [...] Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 8529503 markus.gurtner(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive &
Effective Policies
- /en/solutions/effective-policies
of scenarios and agenda-setting in various areas - from personalized healthcare systems to autonomous transportation Systems. We offer Foresight for policy making : The purpose of foresights is to improve [...] and preparing decisions We combine wide-ranging theoretical knowledge about policy and innovation systems with practical experience and requirements in specific fields of technology. Knowledge of political
- /en/research-topics/ai-machine-learning
Flexible Manufacturing Systems Solution Learning & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems Research Groups Involved Research Group Complex Dynamical Systems Research Group Assistive & Autonomous Systems × Kontakt Formular [...] Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 88904331 maximilian.liebetreu(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive [...] Assistive & Autonomous Systems Complex Dynamical Systems
- /en/research-topics/system-design-modelling-identification
backbone of highly innovative automation systems are mathematical models of the underlying system. Complex dynamical systems are characterised by challenging properties like nonlinearities, multiple- [...] Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] Automation & Control To the Research Gropus High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive & Autonomous Systems Complex Dynamical Systems
Control, Planning & Decision-Making
- /en/research-topics/control-planning-decision-making
Mechatronic Systems Lösung Sustainable & Optimal Manufacturing Systems Research Groups Involved Research Group Complex Dynamical Systems Research Group High-Performance Vision Systems × Kontakt Formular [...] industrial standard for the control of real-world complex dynamical systems. Linear controllers disallow systematic consideration of the system-inherent properties like nonlinearities and couplings. As [...] Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 88904305 michael.baumgart(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive &
Innovative Healthcare Processes
- /en/research-topics/digital-health/innovative-healthcare-processes
sprojekt „Präventionspfad“ TELEMED5000 The main objective of the overall project is to develop a system solution that makes REMOTE PATIENT MANAGEMENT (RPM) technically possible for large numbers of patients [...] medical device, and reimbursement for new digital services and technological conformity with existing systems of electronically stored health information (ELGA). https://predia.info/ COIN -Programmlinie "Netzwerke" [...] while at the same time reducing the number of acute inpatient admissions, readmissions, patient transports and treatments in special outpatient clinics. https://gesundheitsfonds-steiermark.at/digitalisierung/
Inline Computational Imaging
- /en/research-topics/high-performance-vision-systems/inline-computational-imaging
obtained from different viewing angles. It can be understood as an extension of conventional stereo systems. This technology uses more than two object views in combination with advanced algorithms and therefore [...] overall accuracy and robustness. By choosing the number of viewing angles, the user can decide dynamically on the ratio between speed and accuracy. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert [...] Betreff * Nachricht * Send Ing. Petra Thanner, MSc., MBA Thematic Coordinator High-Performance Vision Systems Center VAC +43 664 88390002 petra.thanner(at)ait.ac.at Inline Computational Imaging awarded as Top
Research Topics
- /en/research-topics
for Persons Assistive and Autonomous Systems Cooperative Digital Technologies Cyber Security Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Dynamic Transportation Systems Electric Vehicle Technologies Enabling [...] Vision Systems High efficiency power electronics Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technologies Hybrid Power Plants Innovation Dynamics & Modelling Innovation Policy & Transformation Innovation Systems & Digitalisation [...] Simulation Perception, Localisation & Mapping Power Electronics & System Components Power System Digitalisation Power System Planning & Operation Control, Planning & Decision-Making Road Condition Monitoring
Perception, Localisation & Mapping
- /en/research-topics/perception-localisation-mapping
Solutions Solution Robotic & Autonomous Systems Research Groups Involved Research Group Assistive & Autonomous Systems Forschungsgruppe Complex Dynamical Systems Selected Projects Autility / Smarter Hopper [...] loading and transport processes in logistics (forklifts, cranes) Assistance systems for construction machinery Airspace surveillance and assistance systems for unmanned aerial vehicles Automated removal [...] Autonomous Systems Center VAC +43 664 8157877 manfred.gruber(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive & Autonomous System Complex
Wireless Channel Emulation
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/wireless-channel-emulation-2
on links. These properties will enable wireless 6G systems to steer facilities at industrial plants and to provide save autonomous transport systems. For all these advanced features new technologies are [...] in a global roll-out phase. It will provide highly reliable communication for industrial control systems, for cooperating robots and human-machine interaction. 5G will offer short latency of 5 millisecond
5G wireless Ultra-Reliable low-latency communications
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/projects-1/5g-wireless-ultra-reliable-low-latency-communications
low-latency communications Rapidly emerging autonomous and interconnected transport systems (road vehicles and trains), the need for dynamically reconfigurable production lines in collaborative human-robot scenarios [...] research group has bundled technological expertise in the fields of (i) distributed massive MIMO systems, (ii) mmWave band (above 28 GHz) technology in combination with beamforming and optically-fed remote
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/taro
order to take rail transport in Austria – already one of the leading railway countries in the European Union (no. 1 for passenger-kilometres per capita, no. 2 for freight transport volumes, no. 1 for night [...] freight transport, in particular in terms of automated coupling, shunting, and planning. Automated railway solutions such as low-cost autonomous on-track side elements, low-cost train control systems for regional [...] communication systems. Start : 15.06.2020 End : 14.06.2023 Goals: The estimated project results are expected to contribute to an increase in capacity, productivity and quality of the entire railway system. Results:
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/scott
trustworthy connectivity, and will facilitate the ubiquity of intelligent, embedded systems and systems of systems, thus helping to solve burning issues in the automated vehicles industry (Cars/Railways) [...] and integrated transport, secure and inclusive societies, as well as health and wellbeing. The project delivered leading-edge developments including a fully mobile, multi-node sounding system, highly accurate [...] developed channel models to system level and integration with network and traffic simulator interfaces. Webpage: https://scottproject.eu/ Funding : Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL)
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/relevance
for V&V (verification and validation) during the development of ADAS (advanced driver assistant systems) and AD (automated driving). Fast coverage prediction enables the generation and prioritization of [...] of vehicles. Using available processed sensors information from the vehicles’ sensors and a novel dynamic geometry-based stochastic channel model as the input to trained and validated deep neural network
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/unwire
setup: optimized wireless signal processing algorithms (in the transmitter and the receiver) and the dynamic selection of wireless relays with multiple antennas (network diversity). The aim of realizing an [...] processing algorithms and diverse mechanisms for the robust operation of wireless communication systems in real industrial scenarios to be examined and validated. Start : 04.04.2019 End : 31.12.2020 Goals [...] signal processing algorithms and diversity mechanisms for robust operation of a wireless communication system in real industrial scenarios. Webpage: - Funding : FFG Prod. d. Zukunft Partner: Siemens × Kontakt
Real-time wireless channel emulation
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/our-offer/real-time-wireless-channel-emulation
AIT's dynamic channel emulator can be coupled with vehicle kinematics simulations such as IPG CarMarker to update the coordinates and speed of the vehicles in question in real time. AIT's dynamic real-time [...] place between machines and therefore requires completely novel properties from the communication system, such as short latency, a defined error probability, an interface to control algorithms and high [...] high reliability in demanding environments. Repeatable tests for networked vehicle assistance systems During communication between vehicles (V2V and V2X), the dispersion of the radio signal varies in Doppler
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/dedicate-6g
efficient public transport systems, e.g., by replacing cabled safety systems with wireless links. Advanced manufacturing processes will utilize dependable wireless communication systems for controlling [...] “central nervous system” for the digitization of transport and manufacturing processes and must be built in a way that minimizes their energy consumption. Dependable wireless communication systems will increase [...] time-sensitive applications in transport and industry. The scientific challenges for dependable wireless communication systems encompass all layers of a communication system. We will specifically focus on
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