Preparing Critical Infrastructure for Cascading Cyber Threats
EU Critical Infrastructures (CIs) are increasingly at risk from cyber-physical attacks and natural hazards. Research and emerging solutions focus on the protection of individual CIs, however, the interrelationships between Cis has become more complex for example in smart cities and managing the impacts of cascading effects and enabling rapid recovery is becoming more pertinent and highly challenging. PRECINCT aims to connect private and public CI stakeholders in a geographical area to a common cyber-physical security management approach which will yield a protected territory for citizens and infrastructures, a ‘PRECINCT’ that can be replicated efficiently for a safer Europe and will deliver: 1. A PRECINCT Framework Specification for systematic CIs security and resilience management fulfilling industry requirements. 2. A Cross-Facility collaborative cyber-physical Security and Resilience management Infrastructure enabling CI stakeholder communities to create AI-enabled PRECINCT Ecosystems and enhanced resilience support services. 3. A vulnerability assessment tool that uses Serious Games to identify potential vulnerabilities to cascading effects and to quantify resilience enhancement measures. 4. PRECINCT’s Digital Twins to represent the CIs network topology and metadata profiles, applying closed-loop Machine Learning techniques to detect violations and provide optimised response and mitigation measures and automated forensics. 5. Smart PRECINCT Ecosystems, deployed in four large-scale Living Labs and Transferability Validation Demonstrators, will provide measurement-based evidence of the targeted advantages and will realize Digital Twins corresponding to the CIs located therein, include active participation of emergency services and city administrations with results feeding back to the Digital Twins developments. 6. Sustainability related outputs including Capacity Building, Dissemination, Exploitation, Resilience Strategy, Policy/ Standardisation recommendations
- Partner: Research Driven Solutions Limited (RDS), University College Dublin School of Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering, INLECOM COMMERCIAL PATHWAYS COMPANYLIMITED BY GUARANTEE (ICP), Barcelona Supercomputing Center, NUROGAMES GMBH (NURO), Conceptivity Sàrl, European Organisation for Security, Fundacion TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica SPA, Konnecta Systems Ltd, VLTN GCV, KENTRO MELETON ASFALEIAS, JAVNO PODJETJE LJUBLJANSKI POTNISKI PROMET D.O.O., Telekom Slovenije d.d., Elektro Ljubljana, Municipality of Ljubljana, POLIS, Attiko Metro S.A., Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, INTERUNIVERSITAIR MICROELECTRONICA CENTRUM, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Slovenske zeleznice DOO (SZ), AKKA High Tech (AKKA), MONTIMAGE EURL (MON), Confederation of Organisations in road transport enforcement AISBL (CORTE), WATER-LINK OV(WTL), VIAS INSTITUTE (VIAS), Institut za korporativne varnostne studije Ljubljana (ICS), AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.
- Project duration: 10/2021-09/202
- Funding: H2020, SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020, Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe