Cyber Security
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security
Cyber Security Cyber Security At the AIT Center for Digital Safety & Security, we recognize the challenges of maintaining high security standards in today's cyber threat landscape. Therefore, we speci
Cardiovascular Diagnostics
- /en/research-topics/cardiovascular-diagnostics
Cardiovascular Diagnostics Cardiovascular Diagnostics Cardiovascular diseases are amongst the world’s most commonly occurring diseases and have been the leading cause of death for decades. Yet only ha
Seizure detection
- /en/research-topics/biosignal-processing/seizure-detection
Nervous System Imaging“, supported by the European Union „High-throughput production of functional 3D images of the brain“, supported by the European Union “Quick detection of epileptic seizures“, supported
Source localization
- /en/research-topics/biosignal-processing/source-localization
Nervous System Imaging“, supported by the European Union „High-throughput production of functional 3D images of the brain“, supported by the European Union (copy 2) × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind
- /en/research-topics/acoustics-and-noise-abatement-in-the-transport-sector/projects-1
coupled with machine learning d4agrotech Initiative, Land Niederösterreich; www.d4agrotech.at PredictBeetWeevil Data- and model-based prediction of sugar beet weevil occurrence d4agrotech Initiative, Land [...] genomics, phenotyping, machine learning, and advanced digital visualization d4agrotech Initiative, Land Niederösterreich; www.d4agrotech.at DigiBeetStore Field-to-factory process optimization to enhance [...] Land Niederösterreich; www.d4agrotech.at BeetStore Characterising the storability potential of sugar beet by means of transcriptomics and metabolomics FFG, grant agreement n° 855706; www.dnabank.at/sugarbeet
Health Data Spaces
- /en/research-topics/digital-health/bioinformatics-1
while ensuring full compliance with the EU's high data protection standards.” (EHDS Press Release, 3 May 2022) All Member States will be required to participate. Analogue to the General Data Protection [...] data apps based on self-developed models/algorithms or third-party applications. Selected Projects D4Health Tirol We have integrated our federated secure data infrastructure to link data from hospitals
- /en/research-topics/acoustics-and-noise-abatement-in-the-transport-sector/projects-1-1-1
Projects Projects Health Data Spaces D4Health Tirol We have integrated our federated secure data infrastructure to link data from hospitals, telemedicine services and Austria's death registry to support [...] "European Commission - DG Research and Innovation" contact 11019651 Innovative Healthcare Processes D4Health Tirol We have integrated our federated secure data infrastructure to link data from hospitals [...] ty of different PPRL solutions "European Commission - DG Research and Innovation" contact 11019651 D4Health Tirol We have integrated our solution for Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage (PPRL) in an inf
Inline Computational Imaging
- /en/research-topics/high-performance-vision-systems/inline-computational-imaging
acquisition modes Download Inline Computational Imaging Simultaneous 2D- and 3D Inspection (English) Download ici:microscopy 2D and 3D Inline Microscopy Download
Neurological Signal Processing
- /en/solutions/neurological-signal-processing
rhythmic ictal activity. encevis enables source localization for everyday use. It provides you with 3D localization of spikes and longer rhythmic ictal activity in the EEG in a glimpse of time. Define a [...] Signal Analysis +43 50550-4203 +43 50550-4125 tilmann.kluge(at)ait.ac.at Information encevis Flyer pdf (3 MB) encevis - for critical care pdf (745 KB)
Digital Accessibility
- /en/solutions/technology-experience/digital-accessibility
50550-4539 +43 50550-2201 georg.regal(at)ait.ac.at < div Reference projects: BlindBits POINTS Ahead 3D-Audio-Navigation OptiVID Further Information: Link to the Website www.digitales.oesterreich.gv.at/
New Sensor Technologies
- /en/solutions/new-sensor-technologies
security forces in disaster and crisis missions The focus of the SECURESCUE project is the real-time 3D 360° mapping of an area for disaster response using mobile exploration robots. The goal is to achieve [...] features can be computed and conclusions about the event drawn automatically in real time. Read more 3D video-based analysis of human motion patterns in sleep Sleep disorders such as insomnia, hypersomnia [...] experts at AIT have developed a contactless measurement process with computer-assisted evaluation using 3D video detection and audio signals. Read more
Perception, Localisation & Mapping
- /en/research-topics/perception-localisation-mapping
navigation, and correct handling of objects by machines (e.g. crane or forklift) requires not only 2D but also 3D modeling of the surroundings based on point clouds provided by laser scanners, stereo camera systems [...] therefore researched methods of object classification, semantic environment segmentation, tracking and 3D pose estimation, trained networks and built the necessary computing infrastructure. We are also in
Enabling Digital Technologies
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies
Enabling Digital Technologies Enabling Digital Technologies Safe and secure electronic communication links are a key requirement for the modern society. We are investigating new methods to exploit phy
Study “5G Supply Market Trends”
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/study-5g-supply-market-trends
The study recommends supporting R&D projects related to 5G especially with a focus on the collaboration between large and small companies located in the EU. New R&D funding initiatives focusing on 5G [...] trends. The study was conducted by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, together with IMEC, Arthur D. Little, Rand Europe and Fraunhofer ISI. Start : 15.08.2021 End : 15.08.2021 Webpage: https://digit [...] Networks, Content & Technology Partner: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT) IMEC Arther D Little Rand Europe Fraunhofer ISI The study provides: a baseline assessment of the 5G equipment and
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/taro
challenges will be tackled by the TARO (Towards Automated Railway Operation) project. TARO focuses on 3 different areas in order to take rail transport in Austria – already one of the leading railway countries [...] test radio communication systems. Webpage: https://projekte.ffg.at/projekt/3764867 Funding : FFG Mob. d. Z. Partner: RENERCON e.U. Supercomputing Systems AG Rechenraum GmbH Hex GmbH EBE Solutions GmbH Universität
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/liandri
its reflection at a remote target is measured. Together with an electronic beam-steering mechanism a 3D image of the scene is yielded in short time, enhancing reliability and reducing size compared to t [...] automation can be achieved, thus raising the overall efficiency of fabrication plants. LIANDRI as a 3-years project includes 4 partners from Austria and Germany to address its multi-disciplinary research [...] innovative industrial partners ams AG and Soft2Tec, which Facts Project start: April 2018 Project duration: 3 Years Funding: funded by the FFG Coordination: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Partner: 4 partners
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/pheliciti
circuits To fabricate and experimentally evaluate 3D integrated test-chips Economic viability of 3D integration methodology Results : Functional demonstration of a 3D integrated opto-electronic circuit through [...] leading to a new generation of versatile and robust optoelectronic core technology. The envisaged 3D integration approach removes roadblocks in manufacturing of complex devices with heterogeneous structure
Genetic markers for selection and authentication
- /en/research-topics/improvement-of-plant-quality-vigor/genetic-markers-for-selection-and-authentication
Elucidating drought stress tolerance in European oaks through cross-species transcriptomics. G3. https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.119.400456 P. Kotrade, E. M. Sehr, W. Brüggemann (2019) Expression profiles of 12 drought [...] analysis reveals high genetic variation among and within provenances. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 8 (4): 1225-1245. https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.117.300524 W. Okello-Anyanga, K. Hansel-Hohl, A. Burg, S. Gaubitzer [...] sugar beet storability. Plant Molecular Biology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-020-01041-8 M. Ahmad, D. Lazic, K. Hansel-Hohl, C. Lexer, E. M. Sehr (2019) Development of novel microsatellite markers for
Molecular Imaging Publications
- /en/themen/molecular-imaging/molecular-imaging-publications
and not by MRP1 and BCRP." Nuclear Medicine and Biology 40(7): 873-878. Stout, D., S. S. Berr, A. LeBlanc, J. D. Kalen, D. Osborne, J. Price, W. Schiffer, C. Kuntner and J. Wall (2013). "Guidance for Methods [...] Zehetmayer, D. Georg and R. Dunavoelgyi (2018). "Retina dose as a predictor for visual acuity loss in Ru-106 eye plaque brachytherapy of uveal melanomas." Radiotherapy and Oncology 127(3): 379-384. Matzneller [...] Validated With PET Data." Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 106(9): 2780-2786. Osborne, D. R., C. Kuntner, S. Berr and D. Stout (2017). "Guidance for Efficient Small Animal Imaging Quality Control." Molecular
Publications & Patents
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/publications-patents
continuous-variable quantum key distribution with true local oscillator” , Quantum, vol. 3, p. 193, Oct. 2019. N. Vokic, D. Milovancev, B. Schrenk, M. Hentschel, and H. Hübel, “Differential Phase-Shift QKD in [...] Channels” , IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Quantum Electron., vol. 26, no. 3, p. 6400309, May 2020. F. Laudenbach, B. Schrenk, M. Achleitner, N. Vokic, D. Milovancev, and H. Hübel, “Flexible Cloud/User-Centric Entanglement [...] in Quantum Electron., vol. 26, no. 3, p. 6400509, Jun 2020. Wireless Wireless vehicular multiband measurements in centimeterwave and millimeterwave bands M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, J. Blumenstein, H. Groll
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