So far, "sustainability in IT" has been the dominant trend of this event format, but this year ADV is going one step further:
Under the inspiring title INNOVATE4RESILIENCE, they were exploring the groundbreaking IT trends of 2023 and beyond. Trends that have had and will continue to have a significant influence not only on the technology sector, but also on social, economic and political thinking and decision-making in Austria and throughout Europe.
The sustainability strand of ADV Trends began directly with scientific depth! Under the captivating title 'Computing goes Light: Efficient data processing based on photonics', Senior Scientist Bernhard Schrenk from the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology provided us with fascinating insights into the world of photonic data processing. Schrenk explained how photonics made of silicon can contribute to energy-efficient and scalable data processing in the future.
And why is this sustainable? Because silicon is ultimately a favoured waste product of the Big Bang due to the fine-tuning of the universe, photonics chips are effectively microchips made from abundant "stardust", says Bernhard Schrenk.