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e-Award nomination for GADMO

GADMO Among Top Nominees for eAward 2023 in "Machine Learning and AI" Category

In the world of innovative technologies and digital advances, the collaborative project GADMO, a cooperation between AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology), Martin Boyer, Center for Digital Safety & Security and APA (Austria Presse Agentur), has proven to be groundbreaking. GADMO's outstanding performance has now been recognized by the top nomination for the prestigious IT business award eAward 2023 in the category "Machine Learning and AI".

The eAward, which is considered one of the most important prizes in the Austrian IT industry, honors outstanding digital projects and innovations. GADMO's nomination underscores the groundbreaking work done in this joint endeavor.

GADMO, an acronym for "Community Advanced Data Mining and Optimization", represents an innovative symbiosis of advanced data management and optimization technologies. The project was initiated to explore the possibilities of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in information processing and decision making.

GADMO is funded by the KIRAS security research funding programme of the BMF.

Read more about GADMO here.