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First NETmicroplastic Stakeholder Workshop in Tulln: Focus on microplastics in agricultural soils.

On April 27, the first stakeholder workshop will take place in Tulln, participation is free of charge.

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and 11 partners from Austria, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands are working on the investigation of microplastics in agricultural soils. NETmicroplastic is funded by the Society for Research Promotion in Lower Austria and promotes dialogue between science, industry and society. On April 27, the first stakeholder workshop will take place in Tulln, where experts and interested parties from different fields will come together to get to the core of the issue. Registration at https://www.net-microplastic.eu/stakeholder-workshop/ is free of charge.

Microplastic is smaller than 5mm, it is considered a persistent pollutant and is becoming an increasingly urgent environmental and health risk. Research shows that microplastics are 4 to 23 times more abundant on land than in the ocean. Yet little is known about the impact of microplastic in soils, on soil microbes and soil arthropods such as earthworms, or its potential uptake by crops that could bring microplastic from the field to our plates.

NETmicroplastic, an RTI partnership launched by the Bioresources Group of the AIT Center for Health and Bioresources and 11 partners from four European countries, aims to foster dialogue between polymer chemistry, materials science, soil analysis and ecology. NETmicroplastic is supported by the Society for Research Promotion in Lower Austria and promotes cooperation between scientists, farmers, schools, industry, politicians and the general public.

On April 27, 2023, the first NETmicroplastic stakeholder workshop will take place in Tulln. The workshop will include eight expert:in presentations, including focal points such as:

  • "Microplastics in agriculture: status quo and challenges".
  • "Ecotoxicology of microplastics in soil and plants"
  • "Sustainable design of (bio)plastics."

In addition, the workshop will offer the opportunity to visit the newly built composting plant of the Brantner Gruppe in Krems-Gneixendorf and to actively participate in a discussion round in a world café format.

The workshop is an excellent opportunity to gather experts and interested parties from different fields, share knowledge and promote dialogue on the impact of microplastics on our environment and health.

Registration and participation is free at: https://www.net-microplastic.eu/stakeholder-workshop/
All Information: https://www.net-microplastic.eu/

We look forward to your participation!