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BatWoMan: Climate-friendly batteries for the mobility of tomorrow

Katja Fröhlich in an interview with Innovation Origins

Currently, battery cell manufacturing is hugely energy intensive and involves toxic solvents. Changing that would significantly improve the carbon footprint of e-vehicles. This is where the European research project "BatWoMan" (long title: "Carbon Neutral European Battery Cell Production with Sustainable, Innovative Processes and 3D Electrode Design to Manufacture") led by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology comes in: Together with six partners from research and industry (CIDETEC/Spain, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie/Germany, Universität Duisburg-Essen/Germany, Sovema/Italy, Matthews International GmbH/Germamy and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden), new, innovative and above all sustainable processes for battery cell production are being developed to support the European Union on its way to CO2 neutrality in the production of rechargeable batteries.

The science platform Innovation Origins now spoke to battery expert Katja Fröhlich from the AIT Center for Low-Emission Transport, the project leader of BatWoMan:
