AT the end of the first half year 2022 the first trial to test the STAMINA project's tools to support pandemic decision making was held in Valencia, Spain. These decision support technologies are intended for the prediction and management of pandemics within and beyond the borders of the European Union. Among the tools tested was the Emergency Map Tool (EMT), which was developed at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in the Center for Digital Safety & Security. EMT provides data visualisation of the devices of first responders deployed on a map in real time. In the trial, first responders from STAMINA project partners, Valencia Local Police, Port Police and Spanish Red Cross collaborated to test the utility and effectiveness of the new tools to handle medical emergencies more efficiently.
In September 2022, the STAMINA tools were tested in another trial in Slovenia while at the same time AIT´s expertise and developed tools are presented in several conferences across Europe, such as the pandemic summit which took place in Maribor recently, where Georg Neubauer, AIT project manager of STAMINA, gave an invited presentation on cross border pandemic management.
STAMINA is a H2020 project developing a smart support platform that will assist pandemic crisis management practitioners at a regional, national and international level. The STAMINA toolset will be accompanied by a set of guidelines on the effective implementation of risk communication principles and best practices in cross-organisational preparedness and response plans. The STAMINA consortium unites a diverse range of experts and organisations, including decision makers, policymakers, national planners, public authorities, health care workers, regional emergency management agencies, first responders, NGOs, social scientists, (bio)informaticians, research organisations and IT experts across the European Union and the United Kingdom, Turkey and Tunisia. More infos: