Due to demographic change, the proportion of older people is constantly increasing, and as a consequence their participation in transport is rising. At the same time, automated driving technologies will have established themselves on the market in the coming years and decades. Studies indicate that older people in particular could benefit from automated driving technologies and the services based on them, thus strengthening their mobility, autonomy and quality of life. However, a systematic analysis of the possibilities, barriers and effects of automated mobility from the perspective of older people in their various roles as drivers, passengers and other road users, as well as the relevant contextual factors, is still lacking.
A new study by the AIT Center for Technology Experience therefore now focused on the possibilities, barriers and effects of automated mobility from the perspective of older people. The requirements and acceptance factors of age-appropriate automated driving were analyzed. The different roles of older people, for example as driver, passenger or as pedestrian, were considered and the relevant context factors were systematically examined.
Further information:
Final Report (in german)
This project was funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and commissioned by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) as part of the benefit program.
AIT-Contact: Peter Fröhlich