The innovation network NEFI - New Energy for Industry has been granted funding for four new projects by the Climate and Energy Fund within the framework of the Energy Model Region with a total project volume of 6.7 million euros. In the funded projects, the existing research priorities of NEFI - Innovation Fields will be supplemented by research and development of new technologies and potential applications for industrial heat pumps and flexibilities in the industrial energy system.The projects have been developed in NEFI_lab, co-financed by the provinces of Upper Austria and Styria. The projects were submitted together with the research and industry partners.
Wolfgang Hribernik, Head of Center for Energy and NEFI Network Coordinator: „We are pleased to continue the development of leading-edge technologies for decarbonizing the industry with these four projects. In the last three years, we have already been able to demonstrate in nine projects how sustainable energy supply and the digitization of industrial processes can be successfully achieved. We are doing research and development very close to immediate implementation, for example in hybrid storage technologies. Here alone, the reduction potential is 11 million tons CO2 per year in the EU.“
AIT Center for Energy will manage three projects on industrial heat pumps
The new projects focus on the development of steam-generating heat pumps which re-integrate waste heat into the process, drying processes which are energetically optimised using new sensor technology and digital methods, and the development and demonstration of the concept of a green foundry. The aim is to achieve an increasing decarbonisation of production. The technologies will be demonstrated in fibre production, insulation production, the food industry and aluminium processing and also have a high multiplication potential. Another focus of the new projects is the optimal use of both flexibility and volatile renewable energy sources as well as the development of new business models at the interface between industry and the power grid.
About NEFI
The NEFI - Innovation Network has been formed by a consortium of AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, the University of Leoben, the Upper Austrian Energy Saving Association and the Upper Austrian location agency Business Upper Austria and bundles the diverse experience in the field of energy research and project implementation. In the first nine projects, the constantly growing consortium, currently comprising 100 partners from companies, research institutes and public institutions, is developing technological and systemic solutions that will enable the energy transition in industry. The Climate and Energy Fund already supports NEFI projects with 12,2 million Euros and allocates funding to four more projects amounting to 3,4 million Euros, granted by the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).
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