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COVID-19 study from Artery Society and COST Action VascAgeNet

AIT experts strongly represented in multicenter study on the effect of COVID-19 on the cardiovascular system

The SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting disease COVID-19, which is mainly dominated by respiratory symptoms, also affect the cardiovascular system on several levels. The Artery Society, supported by the AIT-led COST Action VascAgeNet (CA18216, www.vascagenet.eu), is starting a multicenter study to investigate the medium and long-term vascular consequences of COVID-19.

A comprehensive data collection and follow-up study with survivors of the acute infection is planned to gain insight into the vascular consequences of COVID-19. Previous findings suggest that there is a link between cardiovascular disease and COVID-19. It is assumed that the disease also affects the cardiovascular system and accelerates the ageing of our blood vessels.

How exactly cardiovascular events and COVID-19 are related will now be investigated. An international, multi-center study is being set up for this purpose. Currently, more than 20 international study centres from 8 countries (status: 04/05/2020; tendency increasing) have expressed their interest in participating. The objectives of the study are to investigate the relationship between COVID-19 disease and possible accelerated vascular aging, the role of the disease course, the influence of pre-existing diseases and types of treatment, and whether psychosocial factors contribute to accelerated vascular aging.

Study design

For the study, individuals with recently confirmed infection with SARS-Cov-2 will be sought and will be examined for vascular aging twice in the course of follow-up examinations within one year after COVID-19 infection.  All participating study centres will follow the same study protocol. The investigations will also include 24-hour blood pressure analysis, central hemodynamic measurement and pulse wave analysis using AIT technology. Subsequently, long-term follow-up (five and ten years) is also planned to understand the risk of cardiovascular events in former COVID-19 patients.

The study is led by Rosa Maria Bruno and Pierre Boutouyrie, Department of Pharmacology, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou - APHP, Paris, France, and supported by a high-level Scientific Committee. The AIT is strongly represented in this international committee with the experts Dr. Bernhard Hametner and Dr. Christopher Mayer, both from the Competence Unit Biomedical System of the Center for Health & Bioresources.

Further information and link to the expression of interest for participation

Artery Society Website
VascAgeNet Website