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Joint Research between AIT and Wiener Linien

Partnership to exploit synergies in the area of strategic research and to ensure the competitiveness as well as quality of live in Vienna for the future

(Foto credit: AIT / Johannes Zinner; in the picture from the left: Head of AIT Mobility Department DI Dr. Christian Chimani, Managing Director AIT DI Anton Plimon, Managing Directors Wiener Linien DI Günter Steinbauer and DI Eduard Winter)

On June 22nd, 2015, the official signing of the Cooperation Contract between AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (DI Anton Plimon and DI Dr. Christian Chimani) and Wiener Linien (DI Günter Steinbauer and DI Eduard Winter) took place.

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and Wiener Linien have been collaborating in selected thematic areas in joint research projects and cooperative research. The strategic partnership is aiming at the long-term cooperation in transport research.

Click here to download the press release.