AIT plays in the top European league in its core topics - this opens up great opportunities for young researchers at all career levels.
The AIT is Austria's largest research and technology organization and plays in the top league worldwide in many infrastructure topics. This makes the institute a powerful development partner for industry and a top employer on the international scientific scene. Following a clear strategy, solutions for real-world problems, especially in the areas of decarbonization and digitalization, are developed together with partners - thus the work has a great impact on socially relevant topics of the future. The diverse teams of bright and creative minds have access to first-class laboratories and research facilities.
Clear career models and paths offer excellent career opportunities for AIT employees. The company's values are set out in contemporary documents such as a "Code of Conduct" and a "Code of Leadership". Their implementation is ensured by a sophisticated quality management system.
Gender & Diversity is a particular concern for AIT: The goal is to significantly increase diversity and the proportion of women at all levels. This is not only a question of equal opportunity, but also of AIT's performance: On the one hand, no one can afford to underutilize half of the pool of talent anymore. On the other hand, diversely composed teams increase innovative strength immensely. One important measure in this regard is the "Female Leadership Development Program", in which female AIT employees from a wide range of areas receive in-depth training in a ten-month program to prepare them for future leadership or project management tasks.
In the global competition for the best minds, the AIT has also launched a new PhD program to offer talents the best conditions and stimulating supervision. In addition to an attractive program of training, mentoring and networking events, key elements include the establishment of the PhD Coordinator and the Thesis Committee, which is made up of AIT and university supervisors and enables joint and regular monitoring of participants' progress.
In addition, the AIT promotes the spin-off of companies based on the technologies developed through a start-up and entrepreneurship program - this represents another interesting career opportunity for researchers.