- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/projects/fiback3
FiBack3 Increasing the security of devices procured by BMLV (embedded systems) by examining binary files for backdoors. A large part of the critical IT infrastructure and IoT devices used by the BMLV is [...] is manufactured outside of Austria and Europe. The FiBack3 project, which is being carried out as part of the FFG funding program FORTE (2020), aims at the (partly) automated analysis of this more critical [...] manufacturer. Until now, such an analysis was largely manual and therefore very time-consuming. FiBack3 will increase automation of this process, from firmware extraction to backdoor detection, and thus create
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/liandri
its reflection at a remote target is measured. Together with an electronic beam-steering mechanism a 3D image of the scene is yielded in short time, enhancing reliability and reducing size compared to t [...] automation can be achieved, thus raising the overall efficiency of fabrication plants. LIANDRI as a 3-years project includes 4 partners from Austria and Germany to address its multi-disciplinary research [...] innovative industrial partners ams AG and Soft2Tec, which Facts Project start: April 2018 Project duration: 3 Years Funding: funded by the FFG Coordination: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Partner: 4 partners
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/projects/pheliciti
circuits To fabricate and experimentally evaluate 3D integrated test-chips Economic viability of 3D integration methodology Results : Functional demonstration of a 3D integrated opto-electronic circuit through [...] leading to a new generation of versatile and robust optoelectronic core technology. The envisaged 3D integration approach removes roadblocks in manufacturing of complex devices with heterogeneous structure
Vision 2018
- /en/ueber-das-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/messen-events/vision-2018
Technologien am AIT-Stand: ICI:inspect - simultane 2D & 3D Bildverarbeitung Inline Computational Imaging (ICI) ist eine neue Technologie für die simultane 2D und 3D Inspektion bewegter Objekte. Es kombiniert die [...] Lösung für die industrielle Inspektion. LightScan – A Minimalist Modular Depth Sensor Skalierbare 3D Messtechnik. Die AIT Kamera-Projektor und Kamera-Kamera Technologien sind skalierbar in Geometrie und [...] präsentiert auf der Vision am AIT Stand Scientific Vision Days Informationsmaterial Automatisiertes Fahren 3D Vision and Modeling (Englisch) xposure camera & xposure flash (Englisch) Inline Computational Imaging
- /en/research-topics/alloy-development/projects/remap
Fachhochschule Wels. Compared to the conventional, subtractive approach to component manufacturing, 3D printing with light metals has enormous potential, especially in terms of cost and resource efficiency [...] input. The focus of the three-year project is on the development of novel magnesium alloys for future 3D printing applications in lightweight construction and medical technology. For the experimental inv [...] the lightweight construction material magnesium in implementation by means of the future technology 3D printing. By combining novel, high-performance materials with innovative production technologies, it
- /en/research-topics/wire-based-additive-manufacturing/projects/multi-fun
nalities based on novel active materials and enable MULTI-MATERIAL design in geometrically complex 3D metal parts without size limitations by innovative, cost-effective AM technologies. The novel integrated [...] GMBH EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR WELDING JOINING AND CUTTING RHP TECHNOLOGY GMBH CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY WAAM3D LIMITED AEROTECNIC METALLIC SL EDAG ENGINEERING GMBH PEAK TECHNOLOGY GMBH ALPEX TECHNOLOGIES GMBH RUAG [...] sensing features or innovative heat management concepts, incl. applying nanotechnologies in at least 3 variants. Leading experts in AM process & equipment manufacturing (from SMEs, IND, RTOs and UNIV) will
Urban API
- /en/urban-api
urban governance targeting both pan-European and global markets. About the Tool Urban API 3 D Scenario CreatorUsing 3D virtual and augmented reality visuali¬sations the general effects and the visual impact
- /en/in-source
transformation strategies. The main result will be a shared urban data and modeling framework, integrating 3D visualization tools for stakeholders. approach Using a bottom up approach to model urban system development
- /en/hotspots
cost-effective measures is a pressing topic in terms of guiding future investments. This project used a 3D Thermoland register, which is generated from aerial images, to gather comprehensive thermal data of [...] individual image data was linked to a city-wide data base, after which the image data was used to generate 3D building models. Based on this imaging, critical spots with great potential could be identified for
- /en/urbanapi
tools were developed and applied in Bologna, Vienna and Vitoria-Gasteiz. The project team developed a 3D-scenario creator, a motion explorer that makes use of geospatial tracking of mobile phone data, and [...] to the regional level. Main conclusions/outcomes/achievements 3 geospatial tools for planning participation and participatory sensing: a 3D scenario creator; a motion explorer that uses mobile phone data;
- /en/pv-spec
Roman Leidl,Andreas Bamberger; Proceedings to the “25. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie“ vom 3. bis 5. März 2010, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein, (2010) EINFLUSS VON SONNENSPEKTRUM UND KLIMA AUF [...] Brence, G. Fallent, E. Feitzinger; Proceedings to the “25. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie“ vom 3. bis 5. März 2010, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein, (2010) IMPACT OF CLIMATIC INDUCED SPECTRAL CHANGES [...] THIN FILM PV-MODULE PERFORMANCE S. Zamini, M. Rennhofer, K. Berger, J. Wagner, R. Leidl, , W. Laube, D. Baumgartner, P. Weihs; 8. Österreichische Photovoltaiktagung, Wien; 28.10.2010 - 29.10.2010; WKO Wien
Urban Morphology Analysis
- /en/urban-morphology-analysis
locational qualities. New tools developed as part of a collection of components for Grasshopper/Rhino3D. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht *
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/projects/areas
particular interest using semi- autonomous flight and sensor data fusion algorithms, and display it in a 3D situation image. The annual torrent inspections to be carried out by the municipalities offer great
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/projects
BatWoMan Carbon Neutral European Battery Cell Production with Sustainable, Innovative Processes and 3D Electrode Design to Manufacture read more CLARITY Integrated Climate Adaption Service Tools for Improving
Publications & Patents
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/publications-patents
Innovation and Transformation in a Digital World", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 48 (2019), ISBN: 978-3-99062-590-3; S. 207 - 215. D. Auferbauer, R. Ganhör, H. Tellioglu: " Opportunistic Affiliation in Spontaneous Volunteer [...] Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection", (2017), ISBN: 978-3-319-89934-3; S. 290 - 301. G. Neubauer, D. Auferbauer, A. Preinerstorfer, G. Lichtenegger, K. Rainer, R. Nippold: "Co-Operation [...] Hellingrath, D. Auferbauer, D. Havlik, J. Pielorz: "Crowdsourcing and Crowdtasking in Crisis Management - Lessons Learned From a Field Experiment Simulating a Flooding in the City of the Hague"; Vortrag: 3rd I
Environment & Climate
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/solutions-services/environment-climate
Environment & Climate Environment & Climate Regardless if it is a global or a specific vicinity when it comes to the environment and the climate it is vital to understand the situation in order to be
Public Safety & Defence
- /en/research-topics/cooperative-digital-technologies/solutions-services/public-safety-defence
Public Safety & Defence Public Safety & Defence In situations of crisis efficiency and effectiveness are the key to success. In difficult situations digitized communication makes the situation conside
Wire Alloys
- /en/research-topics/alloy-development/wire-alloys
or a previously deposited single or multiple layer (see illustration). Generative manufacturing of 3D components is enabled by moving this welding system according to a predetermined path. The advantages [...] CARAMPA) and by the high level of interest shown by industrial partners in collaboration within COMET We3D . Lecture (in German) Thomas Klein, Ranshofener Leichtmetalltage 2020: Drahtbasierte additive Fertigung
- /en/research-topics/acoustics-and-noise-abatement-in-the-transport-sector/projects/pv-sued
projects Photovoltaic Road Roofing Concept (PV-SÜD-K) and Photovoltaic Road Roofing Demonstrator (PV-SÜD-D), the focus is now on two research questions: On the one hand, it evaluates whether a PV roofing offers [...] photovoltaics using suitable PV module technology, (2) flexible use in the high-level road network, (3) increased durability and preservation of the surface properties of the road through protection against [...] r we hope to gain valuable insights for the future application of such photovoltaic systems in the D-A-CH region". × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff *
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/ice-genesis
Creating the next generation of 3D simulation means for aircraft icing ICE GENESIS will provide the European aeronautical industry with a validated new generation of 3D icing engineering tools (numerical [...] rotorcraft and engines. The three main objectives of ICE GENESIS are: Improve and validate existing 3D numerical tools to predict ice accretion in App C, App O and Snow conditions. Upgrade and calibrate [...] SLD in FZRA (Freezing rain) conditions. Build a large-scale experimental database on representative 3D configurations to be used as a solid reference (“ground truth”) for future numerical tools validation
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