16.-19. April 2018
AIT @ TRA2018
Christian Chimani about the value and the concept of the conference:
"Digitalisation is a global trend, but also a challenge and enabler for transport systems"
Christian Chimani, Head of Center for Low-Emission Transport, AIT, and Chair of the TRA Programme Committee
Visit the TRA Conference Youtube Channel for the complete interview: https://youtu.be/NeMQFdZD_p4
Press releases
Date | Topic |
18.04.2018 | The AIT at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) in Vienna (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | Digital Safety & Security (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | E-Mobility & Energy (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | Experiments next generation infrastructure (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | Human Dimensions (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | Innovation Systems (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | New Materials (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | Road Safety (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | Smart City (pdf) | 18.04.2018 | Transport Logistics (pdf) |
Biggest European Transport Research and Technology Conference
The 7th edition of the Transport Research Arena, the biggest European Transport Research and Technology Conference, will take place from 16 to 19 April 2018 in Vienna under the heading “A Digital Era for Transport – solutions for society, economy and environment”. The TRA 2018 will be hosted and organised by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and AustriaTech. It will be co-organised by the European Commission and supported by the European Technology Platforms ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council), ERRAC (European Rail Research Advisory Council), WATERBORNE as well as CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) and ALICE (Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration), ETRA (European Transport Research Alliance), ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform) and ACARE (Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe).
This International Event combines a 4 Day Conference with an Industrial Exhibition, Hands-on Research and Live Demonstration in the new Interactive Zone, various side events, technical tours and two TRA Vision Awards. TRA 2018 is an arena for researchers, companies and public authorities active in the field of transport. It welcomes policy makers and stakeholders framing research and transport policy. More than 3,000 experts will discuss new mobility solutions for society, economy and the environment and will gain extraordinary insights into crucial topics and transformation processes, such as automated driving, decarbonisation, logistics, transport infrastructure and enabling technologies.
Get your ticket: http://www.traconference.eu/registration/.