"We need a fast track for innovation"
- /en/blog/we-need-a-fast-track-for-innovation
Wolfgang Hribernik, Head of Center for Energy, outlined the two most important directions in which research must go: "The future energy system will be based on the two energy carriers electricity and hydrogen" [...] and use of "green" hydrogen, and on the other hand, on the integration of these technologies into energy systems in order to be able to exploit all the potential for the interaction of the different sectors
Light metals for more climate protection
- /en/blog/light-metals-for-more-climate-protection
sustainable, efficient manufacturing processes for materials in order to be able to drastically reduce energy and resource consumption already during production. On the other hand, the materials must meet the
Learning together from the COVID crisis
- /en/blog/learning-together-from-the-covid-crisis
Hub". This is a think tank initiated by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) - a digital discussion space open to all to exchange online
Training for the defense against cyber attacks
- /en/blog/training-for-the-defense-against-cyber-attacks
partners. © KSÖ © KSÖ © KSÖ Previous element Next element Cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency For the first time, such a threat was simulated on a large scale in a simulation game organized [...] application for cyberranges are very diverse. For example, AIT is working with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to develop a simulation model for controlling a critical part of nuclear power plants
Paths to the Great Transformation
- /en/blog/paths-to-the-great-transformation
Innovation Network (New Energy for Industry), the prerequisites for the energy turnaround in industry were discussed - in order to increasingly apply contemporary, low-CO2 energy technologies in industry [...] Hribernik, Head of AIT Center for Energy and NEFI network coordinator, summarized one essence of the debates as follows: "Supplying industry with 100 percent renewable energy is possible." Also awarded at [...] from all over Europe. "Supplying industry with 100 percent renewable energy is possible." Wolfgang Hribernik, Head of AIT Center for Energy and NEFI Network Coordinator Alpbach Technology Talks 2021 The Alpbach
An electric vehicle of a very different kind: EMPA-Trac
- /en/blog/an-electric-vehicle-of-a-very-different-kind-empa-trac
lity into energy and transport systems Electromobility, however, is much more than just building electric cars: In order for them to be used optimally, many parts of the transport and energy system must [...] Researchers at the AIT Center for Energy are working on such issues. This begins with the design and operation of power grids: In order to integrate as much renewable energy as possible and provide a high-quality [...] planning of the charging infrastructure, among other things. The Center for Energy is working on the development of tools for energy-efficient route planning, location planning of charging stations, and c
What drives young female researchers
- /en/blog/what-drives-young-female-researchers
on the web. CAROLIN MONSBERGER Junior Research Engineer, Energy Engineer My Impact: to set up simulation and calculation models to evaluate energy systems in order to contribute to 100% renewable electricity [...] electricity in Austria by 2030. My Vision: To make sustainable measures for energy generation more profitable and thus drive the energy transition. QUYNH NGUYEN Junior Scientist, Cognitive Scientist My Impact: [...] magnesium batteries to make our world more sustainable. My Vision: Revolutionize the concept of "energy storage" for a sustainable future. SABINE NEUBERGER Junior Scientist, Agricultural Economist My Impact:
Art and science
- /en/blog/art-and-science
dealing with the subject of energy and its manifold manifestations and effects. In her artistic work, she wants to make it possible to experience the potential that lies in energy. "You can't see it, you can't [...] it: nevertheless, electrical energy is the basis of our modern, technologized life - with everything that goes with it, from environmental issues to security of supply to energy conservation," Fegerl explains [...] artist-in-residence at the AIT for the past two years, working in particular with the Center for Energy. Last year, the results of the " capture " art project were on display in the foyer - materials through
AIT develops method for lithium measurement
- /en/blog/ait-develops-method-for-lithium-measurement
all types of electric vehicles and, increasingly, for use in stationary energy storage systems due to their comparatively high energy density and service life. It was only logical that the 2019 Nobel Prize [...] so to speak, groping in the dark. Typically, an electron microscope equipped with a detector for energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is used to determine distribution profiles and maps of elements [...] detectors. Although lithium atoms also emit characteristic X-rays when excited, these are so low energy that they cannot be detected. Consequently, when creating an EDS map of a sample containing lithium
Forum Alpbach TEC
- /en/blog/forum-alpbach-tec
The Future of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Europe. How our energy system is becoming more resilient, sustainable and secure The energy crisis is coming to a head more and more. Starting with the Corona [...] and now massively intensified by the war in Ukraine, energy security has become a top issue of our days. A comprehensive transformation of our energy system is necessary - towards a system that simultaneously [...] (Infineon) - will look for ways to completely rethink our energy system. The panel will discuss fundamental requirements for the future energy supply and ways to make our use of resources more resilient
Decarbonisation - Steam without Gas
- /en/blog/decarbonisation-steam-without-gas
supply side to the distribution network level. In Clean Energy for Tourism (CE4T) , energy demand, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in the tourism industry - especially in winter tourism [...] requires about one third of the energy consumed in Austria. The innovation and cooperation platform NEFI (New Energy for Industry) aims to show that 100% renewable energy supply for industry is possible [...] Baden, using industrial waste heat, geothermal energy, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy. The Cascade project is about the use of geothermal energy in industry and in district heating networks. Deep
Female scientists work to create sustainable solutions
- /en/blog/ait-female-scientists-work-to-create-sustainable-solution
My Scientific Impact: I analyse sustainability reports published by energy companies for equal opportunities and change in the energy transition. My Responsibility: I pay attention to my carbon footprint [...] Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), and [...] research field at AIT: Our seven Centers conduct intensive research into carbon neutral solutions for energy, mobility and the use of biological resources, and into innovative technologies which provide important
AIT at the Long Night of Research
- /en/blog/ait-at-the-long-night-of-research
for the planning of resilient cities. https://langenachtderforschung.at/station/1950 Heat pumps - energy sources of the future: With the help of heat pumps, it is possible to use heat from the environment [...] or unused waste heat from industrial processes. This can greatly reduce both the need for fossil energy and CO2 emissions. The potential of this technology is demonstrated using a heat pump that can be [...] https://langenachtderforschung.at/station/1964 Battery of the future: The ideal battery has a high energy or power density, is environmentally friendly, safe and cost-effective. Current lithium-ion batteries
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transmission and drastically reduce its energy hunger. AIT photonics expert Bernhard Schrenk is working on this as part of a globally unique project. Energy Heat pumps: energy source of the future 21.01.2020 A [...] without Gas 07.08.2023 Many industrial production processes are very energy-intensive. In the Austrian innovation network NEFI (New Energy for Industry), processes are being developed and demonstrated in practice [...] titer. Energy Harnessing the infinite potential of the sun 20.05.2020 Photovoltaics, i.e. the generation of electricity from sunlight, is considered one of the most popular forms of renewable energy and has
AIT bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung 2024
- /en/blog/ait-bei-der-langen-nacht-der-forschung-2024
hwerpunkte des AIT: „Nachhaltige und resiliente Infrastrukturen“, insbesondere in den Bereichen Energie, Transport und Gesundheit, sowie „Digitale Transformation von Industrie und Gesellschaft“. Das AIT [...] Aluminium und Magnesium, aber auch um Titan. Je leichter z. B. Autos oder Flugzeuge sind, umso weniger Energie ist für deren Antrieb erforderlich und umso geringer sind folglich die CO 2 -Emissionen. Rund 60
Wir die Dekarbonisierung der Industrie in Österreich gelingen kann
- /en/blog/transform-industry
im Auftrag des Klima- und Energiefonds vom AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, der AEA Austrian Energy Agency, dem Lehrstuhl für Energieverbundtechnik der Montanuniversität Leoben und dem Energieinstitut [...] erbrauch auf Basis der nachgefragten Energiedienstleistungen minimiert wird und zu diesem Zweck Energie exergetisch optimal – also in einer kaskadischen Nutzung – eingesetzt wird. Zusammenfassend zeigten [...] Ergänzung zu der bestehenden (aber zur Zeitschiene inkohärenten) Besteuerung von Externalitäten. Die Energie-Transformation der Industrie bringt unterm Strich deutliche positive Auswirkungen auf das Brutto
Green and digital transformation
- /en/blog/green-and-digital-transformation
all. In the eyes of energy researcher Wolfgang Hribernik (Head of Center for Energy at the AIT), the next important step in the ongoing transformation of our energy system ("energy transition") is an overview [...] and build up know-how for a sovereign use of technology", says Leopold. Change in the industry and energy sector Industry also has to face up to the developments. Innovation researcher Karl-Heinz Leitner [...] sector coupling is necessary - for example between electricity and heat (via heat pumps) or between energy and process materials (such as hydrogen or the utilisation of CO2). In all areas - from transport
- /en/blog/this-was-alpbach
together by the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) : Among others, Henriette Spyra (section head at the BMK) [...] novationen, wie z. B. KI, Raumfahrt, Quantentechnologie, fortgeschrittene Werkstoffe, neuartige Energie und Biotechnologie, standen im Zentrum eines Workshops, bei dem der VFFI Verein zur Förderung der
Alpbach Technology Symposium 2022
- /en/blog/alpbach-technology-symposium-2022
be solved was covered in high-profile plenary sessions. For example, the session "Energy Transition: How to reduce Energy Dependency" discussed, among other things, the plans of major companies such as BASF [...] to cope with a multitude of crisis phenomena - from global political tensions to the climate and energy crises to the consequences of the pandemic. Many of these current problem areas were discussed at [...] But: "RTI is an instrument for overcoming future crises. It is good that we invested in renewable energy research ten years ago. Therefore, we now have solutions that we can roll out in mass programs."
Andreas Kugi
- /en/contact/managing-directors/andreas-kugi
of applications in the automotive industry, robotics, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical drives, energy systems, and advanced process control applications in the metal industry. He consequently strives
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