Battery diagnostics
- /en/labs/battery-diagnostics
Send Dr. Jürgen Kahr Scientist / Battery Technologies +43 50550-6635 +43 50550-6595 juergen.kahr(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht [...] Marcus Jahn Head of Competence Unit Battery Technologies +43 50550-6661 +43 50550-6595 marcus.jahn(at)ait.ac.at Accreditation
- /en/labs/post-mortem-analysis
Send Dr. Jürgen Kahr Scientist / Battery Technologies +43 50550-6635 +43 50550-6595 juergen.kahr(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht [...] Marcus Jahn Head of Competence Unit Battery Technologies +43 50550-6661 +43 50550-6595 marcus.jahn(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/battery-technologies/translate-to-english-projecte/tinslib
materials, they must meet the requirements for battery materials. Therefore, the TinSLIB project of AIT and Frimeco will jointly develop high purity tin sulfides, which will be characterized, investigated [...] Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) Duration of project: 04.2018 – 03.2021 Projectcoordination: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Projectpartner FRIMECO Produktions GmbH ( http://www.frimeco [...] Damian Cupid Senior Scientist / Battery Technologies +43 50550-6064 +43 50550-6595 damian.cupid(at)ait.ac.at
Joining Technologies
- /en/research-topics/wire-based-additive-manufacturing/joining-technologies
Additive Manufacturing /Light Metals Technologies +43 664 825 1404 +43 50550-6595 Stephan.Ucsnik(at)ait.ac.at Overview LKR Leichtmetallkompetenz- zentrum Ranshofen
Design of bionic structures
- /en/research-topics/numerical-simulation/design-of-bionic-structures
Engineer / Light Metals Technologies Ranshofen +43 50550-6922 +43 50550-6595 matthias.hartmann(at)ait.ac.at Overview LKR Leichtmetallkompetenz- zentrum Ranshofen
The future of care in digital change
- /en/research-topics/societal-futures/projects/future-of-care
together with the care staff of a social institution, Caritas Socialis, and conducts a pilot study (AIT together with the University of Applied Sciences of the BFI Vienna) to find out how digital apps can [...] Scientist / Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4564 +43 50550-2201 susanne.giesecke(at)ait.ac.at
Enabling Digital Technologies
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Hannes Hübel Senior Scientist +43 50550 4453 hannes.huebel(at)ait.ac.at News High-tech made in Austria presented at Europe's largest trade fair for IT security [more]
Wireless ray tracing using open street map geometries
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/our-offer/wireless-ray-tracing-using-open-street-map-geometries
ray tracing using open street map geometries Wireless ray tracing using open street map geometries AIT offers a ray tracing software (RT) that is able to accurately simulate propagation effects of wire- [...] -Doz. DI Dr.techn. Thomas Zemen Principal Scientist +43 50550 4138 +43 50550 4150 thomas.zemen(at)ait.ac.at Links Team Publikationen Patente
Vehicular communication system level simulation
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/our-offer/vehicular-communication-system-level-simulation
kinematic data with nearby vehicles using wireless communication links to improve traffic safety. AIT offers an accurate real-time system-level simulation for multi-vehicle communication scenarios to support [...] We measure the FER for a pre-defined set of discrete grid points of the parameter vector using the AIT real time channel emulator (add link to topic “ Real-time wireless channel emulation “ above) and a [...] scenarios for railways, industry 4.0 production and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is offered by the AIT expert team. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff *
Real-time wireless channel emulation
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/our-offer/real-time-wireless-channel-emulation
channel emulation. The AIT channel emulator allows repeatable performance tests to be carried out in a laboratory environment, thus avoiding costly and time-consuming road tests. AIT's dynamic channel emulator [...] such as IPG CarMarker to update the coordinates and speed of the vehicles in question in real time. AIT's dynamic real-time channel emulator is independent of the communication technology used and supports [...] -Doz. DI Dr.techn. Thomas Zemen Principal Scientist +43 50550 4138 +43 50550 4150 thomas.zemen(at)ait.ac.at Links Team Publikationen Patente
AIT starts Corona-Study
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- /en/research-topics/physical-layer-security/projects/coyote
Nachricht * Send Dr. Bernhard Schrenk Senior Scientist +43 50550 4131 +43 50550 4150 bernhard.schrenk(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/team
huebel(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Manuela Kos, BA Administrative Specialist +43 50550 4133 manuela.kos(at)ait.ac.at [...] Mag. Dr. Christian Monyk , MSc Senior Administrator +43 50550 4152 +43 50550 4190 christian.monyk(at)ait.ac.at Photonic Topic Lead × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail [...] Nachricht * Send Dr. Bernhard Schrenk Senior Scientist +43 50550 4131 +43 50550 4150 bernhard.schrenk(at)ait.ac.at Team Members Expertise Further Information Winfried Boxleitner Photonic Circuit Integration Florian
Reference Projects
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/reference-projects
2021 LIANDRI FFG TIQUAR KIRAS CIVIQ - Wireless Runtime Name Funding Schema 2021 - 2025 DEDICATE 6G AIT principal scientist grant 2021 - 2022 RELEVANCE - 2018 - 2021 SILBOS KIRAS 2018 - 2020 REALISM FFG
Transport aoptimisation and pedestrian control in times of crisis
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Optimised planning of home visits in the current COVID-19 situation
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Impact of COVID-19 measures on the flow of people in retail
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 20241111111501726e560d
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/quiet
Transport Funding agency: European Commission Duration of project: 10/2017 - 09/2020 Project coordination: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Project Partner Honda R&D Europe (Deutschland) GmbH AVL qpunkt GmbH [...] Vehicle System Simulation / Electric Vehicle Technologies +43 50550-6347 +43 50550-6595 dragan.simic(at)ait.ac.at This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/fitgen
Transport Funding agency: European Commission Duration of project: 01/2019 - 12/2021 Project coordination: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Project Partners Centro Ricerche FIAT SCPA Fundacion Tecnalia Research
- /en/research-topics/road-condition-monitoring-assessments/projects/rowi
on temperature and tyre pressure Facts and figures Duration: 09/2018-01/2020 Research consortium: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH / Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik × [...] Scientist / Transportation Infrastructure Technologies +43 50550-6463 +43 50550-6599 roland.spielhofer(at)ait.ac.at
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