- B. Strobl: Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS), SIMEDIA - Forum "Videoüberwachung/Videotechnik", Stuttgart, Germany, 14.-15.05.2016
- M. Quaritsch, M. Wiesinger, B. Strobl, B. Rinner: An Adaptive Multi-Purpose Transmission Scheme for H.264 Encoded Video in Wireless Networks, Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processiing (CSNDSP), Graz, Austria, 23.-25.07.2008, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), IEEE, (2008), ISBN: 978-1-4244-1875-6; S. 331 - 335
- H. Schwabach, M. Harrer, W. Holzmann, H. Bischof, G. Fernández Domínguez, M. Nölle, R. Pflugfelder, B. Strobl, A. Tacke, A. Waltll: Video Based Image Analysis for Tunnel Safety - VITUS-1: A Tunnel Video Surveillance and Traffic Control System, 12th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, San Francisco, USA, 06.-10.11.2005, "12th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems", Mira Digital Publications, St. Louis, Mo. (2005), CD-ROM
- B. Strobl: Selective block difference compression, European Workshop on advanced Video-based Surveillance Systems, Kingston, UK, 04.09.2001, "European Workshop on advanced Video-based Surveillance Systems Advanced Video-based Surveillance Systems 2001", IAPR, London (2001), Eigenverlag; S. 189 - 199
- B. Strobl: Customer Needs and Technology Trends, Texas-Instruments Forum, Emerging End-Equipment, Leutschach, Austria, 22.05.2003