AM4INFRALifecycle-based asset management approach for transport infrastructure networks AmphoraAutomated Pavement Operation Eben-WLPApproval method for the longitudinal unevenness of road surfaces from the... GROOVEOptimization of Grinding & Grooving of concrete road surfaces INGGOInnovative Grinding and Grooving Surfaces LARAS VISionHolistic life cycle assessment of transport infrastructure LASTEffects of dynamic wheel load peaks MAGMAMonitoring of ablative measures to improve grip PaveScan 4DHigh-Density Pavement Scanning for Condition Monitoring of Roads ROSANNERolling resistance, Skid Resistance, and Noise Emission measurement standards... RoWiRolling resistance optimisation on motorways SubkritStructural evaluation of asphalt roads at project level