Reliable and Silent Transport Infrastructure
A well functioning transport system is the backbone of the economy and social life in a society. But transport also has a negative impact on the environment: for example through noise, vibrations or air pollutants. In urban areas and along major transport routes, traffic is considered to be a major source of noise.
Transport infrastructure managers have the need to provide an environmentally friendly and low-noise transport system. This requires an understanding of the underlying noise generating mechanisms in order to take effective action.
The acoustic experts of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology combine high-precision sound measurements on site with extensive simulations and analyses in order to numerically map traffic-related noise emissions. The findings from measurements, simulations and modelling form the basis for new technologies, for instance low-noise road surfaces. We thus support manufacturers in the development and optimisation of infrastructure components such as noise barriers. Through close cooperation with infrastructure operators, problem areas in the infrastructure are identified and a more efficient implementation of highly effective noise protection measures along particularly congested routes is ensured.
The AIT offers the development of acoustic solutions ranging from the use of state-of-the-art measurement technology to the development of new simulation methods and the consideration of subjective noise perception. Among other things, psychoacoustic models and methods are used in data analysis in this context. This results in a balanced combination of research and practical application, ranging from proven measurement methods within the framework of accredited testing activities to the development of new technologies.