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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Imagining Digitalization

Scientific and Practical Perspectives on the Digital Transformation

Organized by the consortium of the interdisciplinary project “SoLiXG: The Social Life of XG – Digital infrastructures and the reconfiguration of sovereignty and imagined communities” we invite stakeholders and the broader public to engage in a discussion on digitalization processes in Austria and the European Union.

Post-pandemic recovery plans in the EU and the UK involve an unprecedented expansion of digital infrastructures that promise to strengthen the resilience and sovereignty of the European Union and ‘upgrade’ the UK respectively. These new technologies will be part of the social fabric of everyday life and will be invested with new meanings and imaginations. “The Social Life of XG” (SoLiXG), explores infrastructural imaginaries in relation to ideas of community, borders and sovereignty.

Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security, joined the roundtable event, where these exciting topics were discussed with experts.