The Digital Health group of the AIT Center for Health and Bioresources is an important part of the "Austrian Digital Heart Program" (ADHP), which recently received a funding commitment of 4 million euros (another 4 million after evaluation) under the "Clinical Research Groups" funding program of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG). This program, located at the Department of Cardiology and Angiology of the Medical University of Innsbruck (MUI), is led by Sebastian Reinstadler and focuses on the development of a digital screening and treatment strategy for atrial fibrillation.
The experts of the Competence Unit Digital Health Information Systems take a leading role in the development of hardware and software solutions for the ADHP. The focus of this program is the early detection and treatment of the often undetected cardiac arrhythmia, e.g. to prevent strokes.
Dieter Hayn, AIT Project Manager and Senior Scientist of the Digital Health Team at AIT, emphasizes the importance of telehealth as an integral part in this initiative. It is not only used for app-based screening of a large number of people, but also provides structured care and prevention measures for patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. It also employs numerous other technologies and methods, including biosignal processing, artificial intelligence, app-based screening, decision support, and many more. "The design, development and operation of this comprehensive platform is AIT's mission. To do this, we will have to overcome some challenges and find new innovations in the digital health field" explains Hayn.
While funding for the "Austrian Digital Heart Program" is initially set for four years, a successful evaluation can not only ensure the continuation of the program, but also pave the way for further innovative research areas.
With projects like this, AIT is consolidating its position as the driving force behind technological advances in the Austrian healthcare sector.
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