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5 recommendations to strengthening applied healthcare research for innovation and impact in Europe

AIT-led EARTO Healthcare Working Group publishes 5 recommendations to optimize and strengthen integration of R&D in Medtech, Biotech and Digital Health in Horizon Europe and other EU programs

The EARTO Working Group on Emerging Technologies for Healthcare, led by Dirk Holste, Deputy Head Center for Health and Bioresources, has published five recommendations to optimize and further integrate EU programs. These are intended to intensify the impact of applied healthcare research.

The Brussels-based European Association of Research and Technology Organizations (EARTO) is an umbrella organization of European research and technology organizations that brings together the interests of nearly 100 industry-related research institutions and organizations from 17 European countries. The recently published recommendations of the AIT-led EARTO working group "Emerging Technologies for Healthcare" address hurdles and gaps identified and prioritized by the RTO experts involved. Dirk Holste, Deputy Head of the AIT Center for Health and Bioresources, chairs the EARTO working group and emphasizes the importance of aligning the EU programs for research, innovation and other fields of action with the competencies of the research and technology organizations (RTOs) so that they can perform their "bridging function" between cutting-edge research and market-oriented application in an effective manner and support innovative companies in the healthcare sector in a competitive manner. The five recommendations are (abbreviated):

  • Integration of new technologies in the health sector in Horizon Europe (HEU)
  • Impact-oriented integration of health challenges in "Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space" (HEU)
  • EIC Transition: Increasing the impact of innovative Health projects (HEU)
  • SME Kickstarter: creating a new "bridge" tool for fast, innovative projects.
  • EU Programs Networking: improving coordination between Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and EU4Health programs.

"Integrating competencies in technology, market and business models, as well as compliant research and development under Medical Device Regulation in the healthcare sector - this is "Re-search to Business" with RTOs as innovation partners," elaborates Dirk Holste, "and successful participation of RTOs as key players in the innovation system contributes to closing the innovation gap and improves the competitiveness and sustainability of our healthcare systems."

Here is the full position name: https://www.earto.eu/wp-content/uploads/EARTO-Inputs-on-Healthcare-for-HE-Strategic-Plan-2025-2027-21-February-2023-Final.pdf.