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Learning for the climate from the Corona crisis

Lisa Diamond from the Center for Technology Experience in the Ö1 Journal "Wissen aktuell"

"Flattening the curve" - this is a slogan in the fight against the Corona crisis; a slogan that can also be applied to the climate crisis. Here, too, it is necessary to flatten the curve of CO2 emissions. Even if it may look different at first glance: there are some parallels between the Corona and climate crises, which is why lessons can be learned for both challenges. But for all the parallels, there is also a significant difference - the time horizon - explains Lisa Diamond.

You can listen to the whole article here until 03.05 (german):




Lisa Diamond from the Center for Technology Experience presented the poster "Collective Engagement Lessons: What the COVID-19 Response Can Teach Us About Engaging the Public to Take Climate Action" and described four lessons that can be drawn from pandemic management and applied to climate engagement approaches. These include consistent, emphatic and inclusive communication, stronger focus in communicating action, clear and feedback-supported goal setting, and more decisive consequence design as promising climate engagement approaches.

At the Center for Technology Experience, experts are dedicated to this topic in order to use technology to increase knowledge, awareness and the ability to act around sustainable behaviour and to promote corresponding behaviour change.

AIT-Contact: Lisa Diamond