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Innovation Challenge for green building

AIT Center for Energy wins with the bim4eco platform

The heating and cooling of buildings is responsible for a significant part of global energy consumption. In terms of environmentally sound construction, not only this energy consumption but also the energy for the building materials and their production must be taken into account.

According to the database for ecological building and renovation, baubook.at, the energy input for the production of a building is about the same as the input for heating a low-energy house over a period of 50 years. Environmentally sound construction therefore requires consideration of the dimensions of thermal insulation, renewable energy sources and ecological building materials. The benchmark for environmentally sound construction is the Oekoindex OI3, which takes into account the dimensions of primary energy content of non-renewable resources (PENRT), contribution to global warming or global warming potential (GWP) and acidification potential (AP).

Digital Findet Stadt launched innovation challenge for green building

The innovation lab "Digital Findet Stadt" therefore launched an innovation challenge for green building in autumn 2020, looking for an innovative solution to merge the Oekoindex OI3 and openBIM building design. The solution should subsequently support the DELTA "green line" - a service line for the holistic, life-cycle optimisation of building projects of the planning company DELTA.

The winner is bim4eco: AIT Center for Energy and IBO develop platform for sustainable planning

The AIT team around Klemens Marx  and  Gerhard Zucker  together with the IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie  developed the solution bim4eco in the Innovation Challenge and won the challenge. Bim4eco is a platform that enables the evaluation of building plans on the basis of openBIM models in IFC format in a very user-friendly way. For this purpose, the platform compares the information from the building design with the material data of the baubook and performs the Oekoindex OI3 assessment. The effects of changes in planning on the building ecology can thus be quickly analysed as scenarios and well-founded decisions can be made. Bim4eco was able to hold its own in the Innovation Challenge against the high-quality proposals of the competition. The next step is the joint development and piloting of the platform.

More informations

Innovation lab: https://www.digitalfindetstadt.at/

AIT-Portfolio zu Digital Building Technologies