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Dr. Christian Chimani at the 10th vie-mobility Symposium

Okt 08
Smart Cities & Regions: Sustainable mobility, infrastructure & location development

Event: 10. vie-mobility Symposium
Date: Thursday, 8 October 2020, 14.30-20.00
Venue: Grand Hotel Vienna

Dr. Christian Chimani, Head of Center for Low-Emission Transport, will speak at the 3rd panel of the 10th Vie-mobility on the topic "Smart City: Electric Vehicles, Best Transport Infrastructure & Sustainable Transport Concepts".


"In its RTI Mobility Strategy, Austria has committed itself to an ambitious goal - climate neutrality by 2040, which will require a fundamental infrastructural change in our cities. These central infrastructure issues are the focus of research at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. The current, systemic changes require a broad spectrum of innovations on a social and economic basis, technologies for an environmentally compatible, inclusive mobility and transport system as well as a sustainable energy supply and a secure infrastructure for all road users."

This year, vie-mobilty, the platform for electromobility and location development, will comprehensively discuss the topic "Smart Cities & Regions: Sustainable mobility, infrastructure and location development".
The first two panels will focus on the following questions: How is a large city and the region developing in terms of increasing demographic growth and what does this mean for investments in transport infrastructure, mobility and energy supply? And how can digital solutions and new value creation models be further developed and implemented in a digital-electrically transformed world?
Two further podiums will deal with local and long-distance public transport and individual transport with regard to the further development of electromobility and the creation of a sustainable charging infrastructure network, including technical innovations in the future.

About vie-mobility
vie-mobility, the platform for electromobility and location development, was founded in 2011 with the aim of promoting the exchange between politics, business and technology and is a symposium from the vie-very important enterprises (vie-club-cuvee.at) event series. So far, nine vie-mobility events have been held and a book on electromobility has been published.