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Digital accessibility and everyday working life

Guest commentary by Andreas Sackl on APA-Science

The last months have shown how profoundly the Corona measures have influenced and changed our professional and personal everyday life. Digital communication and collaboration were of course already possible before the crisis, but have suddenly gained in importance again due to the current situation. It is to be expected that video communication - keyword: home office - will continue to gain in importance in the coming years. We at the AIT's Center for Technology Experience are therefore working to ensure that user groups with special needs can also benefit from digitization and transformation. And especially now that many people are dependent on video and conferencing tools due to corona, the need for accessible software becomes even more apparent.

You can find the guest commentary by Andreas Sackl in full length (in german) on APA-Science:

#CoronaAlltag: Barrierefreiheit und Arbeitsplatz

AIT-Contact: Andreas Sackl