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AIT leads new H2020 Project DigiTeRRI

New EU project to encourage the transition of traditional industry regions towards responsible digitalized ecosystems

The DigiTeRRI project was launched in Vienna in January and will develop a framework and roadmap for a responsible transition of traditional industry regions into digitalized R&I ecosystems, creating strategies to ensure their sustainability and resilience. “It is essential to involve local industries, authorities and citizens in the digitalization process,” explains Marianne Hörlesberger, coordinator of the DigiTeRRI project and Scientist at the AIT Center for Innovation Systems & Policy. “Traditional industry needs to adapt to survive. However, the process requires access to alternative knowledge sources provided by all the actors affected by the transition processes to guarantee a broader, more legitimate basis for decision-making.”

Working with local stakeholders to co-create a roadmap for 3 European regions

At the heart of the DigiTeRRI project are 10 workshops to engage multiple local stakeholders in co-creating their roadmaps for each of the three industrial territories involved: Grand Est in France, Styria in Austria and Värmsland in Sweden. The process starts with mapping the three R&I ecosystems, followed by a visioning exercise with the relevant R&I actors for building future paths for ecosystems with a high degree of openness, democratic accountability and responsiveness to the needs of industry, society, research, and policy.

Applying Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles in territorial innovation

DigiTeRRI will apply RRI principles to develop procedures that can anticipate and assess the potential implications presented by the transition process and ensure that the outcomes meet the stakeholders’ expectations. RRI policies are based on inclusiveness, openness, reflexivity and adaptiveness and help organizations incorporate ethics, gender, governance, open access, public engagement, and science education in their policies, practices and processes. 
The project provides an opportunity to engage in transnational learning and cooperation: not only are the project partners committed to developing actions for implementing resilient, self-sustaining digitalized R&I ecosystems in their territory, but European industry as a whole can also expect to benefit from a set of best practices and implementation guidelines that will allow these ecosystems to become widespread.

About DigiTeRRI

DigiTeRRI is a three-year project that has been awarded 2 million euro in funding under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The partner consortium  includes a mix of expertise in organizations that represent the quadruple helix formed by business, public administration, academia and civil society.

Follow the DigiTeRRI Project on Twitter to get the latest News https://twitter.com/digiterri 

Project Website: www.digiterri.eu