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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Road Safety Day: AIT presented its new test vehicle


On Saturday, 27 April 2019, the Austrian Road Safety Board (KFV) and the police organised the ‘Road Safety Day’ in Resselpark at Karlsplatz in Vienna. Under the motto ‘Together for more road safety’, the topic of road safety was brought to the centre of Vienna in a vivid and attractive way in the form of exciting stations. Together with the KFV, the Vienna police, the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) and other partners, AIT offered the audience an exciting programme with free admission – among other things, the new ‘AIT RoadLab’ and the measuring motorcycle ‘MoProVe’ were presented for the first time.

Presentation of the new ‘AIT RoadLab’ measurement vehicle

The high-performance measurement vehicle ‘RoadLab’ (Road Laboratory for High Performance Measurement), a specially converted MAN TGE, is equipped with the latest sensor, satellite navigation and camera technology. It records the most important surface properties and routing parameters of the roads with the highest quality and accuracy for greater road safety and effective maintenance of the transport infrastructure. At a standard measurement speed of 80 km/h and without disrupting traffic, RoadLab measures and localises all the properties and objects of the road space in a single pass. It uses the latest camera technology, laser scanners and a highly accurate satellite-based positioning system.

The Motorcycle Test Vehicle (‘MoProVe’): Evaluating motorcycle safety

The ‘MoProVe’ was developed to gain a better understanding of the causes of motorcycle accidents and the interaction between the road and motorcycles. In collaboration with the Vienna University of Technology, a road-legal KTM 1290 Super Adventure was converted into a high-performance measuring vehicle, with a camera system, steering angle sensors, accelerometers, a CAN bus reader and a dGPS positioning system being installed, among other things. The MoProVe is available for road safety testing of motorcycle routes. It enables an analysis of driving dynamics based on the respective driving behaviour and the interaction with the road infrastructure. The results show road sections that are particularly risky for motorcyclists. Furthermore, the insights gained can be compared with data collected using a measurement car (AIT RoadLab) or measurement truck (AIT RoadSTAR), thus making a significant contribution to improving road safety. The aim is to prevent accidents before they happen . Evaluating risk potential plays a crucial role in identifying effective preventive measures.

Photos: (c) Armin Hoyer