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IT-TRANS 2018: AIT presented innovative mobility solutions


Since 2008 IT-TRANS has taken place every two years as an international conference and trade fair in Karlsruhe. With more than 5,000 trade visitors and 488 conference participants from over 60 nations, as well as 210 exhibitors from a total of 34 countries, IT-TRANS is one of the world's leading events for intelligent passenger transport. This year, experts from industry and research met from 6 to 8 March to discuss the latest IT trends, innovations and intelligent solutions for passenger transport.

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology’s Center for Mobility Systems was in attendance with a stand to show off the latest developments in mobility research. For example, the AIT solutions MODE and SMART SURVEY were presented, which will enable innovative mobility surveys using smartphone and will serve as the basis for future Be-In/Be-Out ticketing solutions. In addition, IMPACT was presented, which is a tool for analysing the impact of various traffic measures before they are even implemented.

Smartphone-based detection of the modes of transport: Basis for Be-In/Be-Out ticketing solutions

The AIT-developed MODE software technology for the detection of modes of transport with smartphones automatically differentiates between eight different traffic modes: On foot, bicycle, motorcycle, car, bus, tram, metro and train. MODE collects battery life-saving, detailed and reliable information about distances travelled. It can be integrated into various existing applications used by the local transport provider and thus forms the ideal basis for future Be-In/Be-Out ticketing solutions.

With the SMART SURVEY app, AIT provides a ready-to-use complete solution for mobility surveys via its smartphone app and web service. It provides high-precision, multimodal mobility data for transport planning, mobility research, cities and communities.

IMPACT: Redesign multimodal mobility systems more efficiently

IMPACT analyses the effects of various measures in the transport sector so that they can be effectively implemented by transport associations, infrastructure managers, planners and municipalities. Therefore, it examines the influence of planned traffic measures and services on the mobility behaviour of persons from affected target groups. It looks at all the factors, which cause a change in the transport system – such as tariffs, parking management, shared mobility, new public transport services, road construction and new technologies such as automated driving. The mobility measures and the findings from surveys are implemented in simulation environments and models and scenarios are then developed. Thus, a sound basis for decision-making is created for the selection of suitable measures, which contribute to the optimisation and increase in efficiency of the overall traffic system.

Volker Alberts, mobility expert at the AIT Center for Mobility Systems states: "One focus of our work is the collection, analysis and simulation of people's mobility behaviour. In addition, the impact of planned measures on individual infrastructures or on the transport system must also be assessed and evaluated. With our MODE, SMART SURVEY and IMPACT solutions, we make a significant contribution to shaping the mobility of the future”.


<link en solutions sensing-travel-behavior mode>MODE

<link en solutions sensing-travel-behavior smart-survey>SMART SURVEY

<link en solutions impact-assessment-for-transformative-mobility-systems>IMPACT